My passion for natural and alternative medicine started when my son was a toddler and his pediatrician just could not pin down what was “wrong” with him and why he was more sick than not.
From eczema to allergies, neurosensitivities and what seemed like a weakened immune system, all I got from the doctor and all of the specialists I took him to was a look of consternation and a new prescription. So, I took matters into my own hands.
I researched night and day and found solutions. I spoke at length with other mothers in the same position I was in. Moms who wanted answers and solutions that didn’t have a novel-length list of side effects worse than the actual conditions they were meant to treat.
I made appointments with the top naturopaths, homeopaths, chiropractors, and acupuncturists in my then hometown of Portland, Oregon. I sat and asked question after question after question.
I found integrative pediatricians in both Portland and Los Angeles that had the knowledge of both allopathic and alternative medicine to help me continue treating my son, and later my daughter, in the most natural and effective ways possible for everything that might throw their bodies off-kilter.
I did all of this with a very small budget and a lot of credit card debt, but I don’t regret it and would do it all over again if I had to….and yeah, still do as needed.
The way I see it is, the money I’ve spent has saved me A LOT in new doctors’ visits, medications, unnecessary suffering, and time lost from work and/or school. Every penny spent has paid for itself tenfold.
Anyways, to stop myself from rambling anymore than is absolutely necessary, all of the above is why I want to put everything I’ve learned over the years in this blog. So, just in case anyone else is looking for alternatives that are healthier, you can find a lot of them in one place….with a few other topics thrown in the way for levity or whatever.
I’ve already written about one of my all time favorite essential oils, now let me tell you a little about charcoal. Yep….charcoal.
It’s not surprising that when we hear the word “charcoal” our minds automatically start thinking about backyard barbecues or lumps of coal left behind for those of us that never got off the Naughty List. Rarely does one think of “charcoal” as being one of nature’s most powerful curatives.
Now, I’m not talking about the stuff you can go buy at your local outdoor store along with Tiki torches and a new Weber grill. I’m talking about activated charcoal.
This natural compound has been used for centuries the world over as a treatment for a variety of maladies. Hippocrates himself was known to prescribe activated charcoal for a number of illnesses. Ancient Egyptians as well as Native Americans have also historically used it to treat bruises, skin conditions, and stomach ailments.
So, what exactly is activated charcoal? Well, while activated charcoal and regular charcoal are almost one and the same, activated charcoal is created with the sole purpose of being used medicinally.
It’s made by heating regular charcoal from vegetative sources, like coconuts, and treating it with oxygen until it expands and becomes porous. This porosity is essential for one of activated charcoal’s main benefits….the adsorption of toxins. Adsorption, as opposed to absorption, is the process in which a compound is able to attach something to itself via chemical attraction.
Activated charcoal works so well because it chemically binds toxins and pathogens to its surface and is able to adsorb thousands of times its weight in these impurities.
Researchers have found that this ancient remedy still works incredibly well to purge the body during accidental ingestion of poisons or drug overdose. It’s also highly effective in detoxing the body from lead, mercury, cadmium, and even pesticides.
Of course, it’s important to take note that in such extreme cases, activated charcoal should be administered by a registered medical practitioner.
Purging the body from overdose or harmful exposure to drugs and heavy metals is by far not the only benefit of activated charcoal. The following is a list of other ailments that respond extremely well to it:
Gastrointestinal Issues
Activated charcoal works on ameliorating gastric issues such as bloating, flatulence, diarrhea, and other digestive problems by entering the digestive tract and intestines, adsorbing the offending organisms, and carrying them out of the body.
Cuts, Wounds, Acne, & Other Skin Issues
This natural remedy works wonders for a multitude of skin issues as it has been shown to neutralize a large number of pathogens when used topically on the offending area. The activated charcoal adsorbs bacteria and toxins allowing the skin to heal itself optimally without the risk of infection.
Insect Bites & Bee Stings
Activated charcoal can be very beneficial in stopping poison/irritants from an insect bite or bee sting from entering the blood stream if a compress of the charcoal is applied immediately after being bit or stung.
Reducing cholesterol
Some studies have shown that activated charcoal is able to help lower the amount of lipids, cholesterol, and triglycerides in the blood, and lower the chances of coronary arterial disease and other complications attributed to high cholesterol levels.
Fighting Cold & Flu Viruses
Activated Charcoal has the ability of rendering many viruses and bacteria lifeless, adsorbing the toxins and helping stop the spread of pathogens from accelerating throughout the body. This, in turn, shortens the life of colds and flu when taken at the onset of illness. Activated charcoal has even been used effectively to treat serious conditions like dysentery and cholera.
Oral Health
Due to the fact that activated charcoal is able to get rid of bacteria, it’s extremely effective in treating bad breath, slowing the build-up of tartar, diminishes the chances of developing gingivitis, and has the added cosmetic benefit of safely whitening your teeth.
So, there you have it. Getting chunks of coal isn’t such a terrible thing after all, now is it?
*Disclaimer: I am not a medical professional. While everything I post I have discussed at length with medical professionals, I strongly suggest that you do the same before trying to self treat or treat a loved one. Everyone has a different biological constitution and what works for some may not work for others. Allergies should also be taken into consideration.*
Header photo by Joey Kyber @Pexels

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It really has helped me with occasional intestinal issues!
March 14, 2018 at 10:15 pmMorayma
It’s great stuff to have on hand! Glad it’s helped you too! 🙂
March 14, 2018 at 10:38 pmMark
I just ordered some for teeth whitening. If the reviews are as good as they sound, I’ll be sporting high beams real soon. (I can vouch it also works great for intestinal things too.)
March 15, 2018 at 12:52 amMorayma
Haha…I think you’ll be happy with the results! First time I used it I scared my kids with my zombie looking black teeth prior to rinsing the charcoal out. Good times. 🙂 Enjoy your pearly whites!
March 15, 2018 at 1:54 amMitch Mitchell
I only use it when my stomach is bothering me, and it works wonders. I learned about it a couple of years ago. My wife had been using it and not telling me; the meanie! lol
March 20, 2018 at 12:14 pmMorayma
It really is such an amazing product!….and hahaha…tell your wife to stop hiding the good stuff from ya! 😉
March 20, 2018 at 3:56 pmMitch Mitchell
Yeah, like she listens to me lol
March 24, 2018 at 4:53 amMorayma
Hahaha!! 😀
March 24, 2018 at 7:34 pm