I had brunch on Saturday with one of my oldest friends. We’ve known each other since Kindergarten and no matter how much times passes in between our meetings, we always fall right back into the most natural pattern. We just “get” each other. She can take one look at me and know how I’m doing.
She is one of few people who can see past my smiles and know if I’m coming undone. She is one of a very small group of friends I hold close because they epitomize the true definition of friendship….and friendship like this is priceless.
Not sure if it is a cultural or societal thing in the States, but more often than not we are taught from an early age to be independent, and to have the ability to stand alone and weather all storms. These are noble traits to have, and important…however, we cannot forget how vital it is to be a part of a village.
Yes, we should be able to forge ahead without having to hold anyone’s hands. We need this strength and determination, especially as women, but we also need to know that if tides become too turbulent, someone will throw us a lifesaver. For some this is family, for others friends, and for a blessed few….a mixture of the two.
Although life has thrown me monkey wrenches aplenty and more storms to weather than I care to remember, I have to admit that I’ve been blessed with the presence of some truly remarkable friends. Men and women who are ride or die. Who are mafia loyal, and honest to the core. The siblings I never had. The perfect examples of quality over quantity. These are the people who have stood by me no matter what…..and who I would, in any and every instance, do the same for.
Friends. I have a hard time using that word as loosely as society wants us to. I believe in being amicable, polite, and kind to everyone….but friends are akin to family in my book. Friends are those who won’t judge you, who will be by your side through thick and thin, who will defend your honor and your name regardless of the situation, who want nothing but your happiness, and who add positivity and doses of sanity as needed. No drama. No reaching out only when it benefits them. Just real, solid, good intentions.
When I got divorced, I lost several “friends”. Seems to happen to many women in my camp. Perhaps people think divorce is contagious. I don’t know. After my father died, I lost a few more people I thought were friends. This, could’ve been my fault, as I became very reclusive and couldn’t stand the thought of leaving the house other than to do what was necessary. Maybe they thought I was snubbing them.
I tend to look and act like everything is ok, even when it’s not…so perhaps they’d see me running errands and not quite understand that “happy Morayma” was really going through it. I wasn’t trying to be rude, I just only had so much of an outside face I could put on before needing to run back home and let those proverbial waves of grief take over.
Only a select few people continued to reach out, to check in, and just make sure I was ok. They didn’t care if I couldn’t meet for happy hour, or go out on the weekends. They just wanted me to know that they were there should I need them. They held space for me. Friendship.
Those ones that have stuck around, like my Kindergarten friend, help me put my pieces back together time and again. Simply with their presence. Some prayed for me, some brought meals for my kids and I, one gave me a side hustle so I could pay some bills, others would just text me a heart emoji at random. A few always knew just when to reach out…uncanny timing, uncanny love.
Simple actions and things that mean more than I’ll ever be able to put into words. Things I never asked for, because I never ask for help. I can’t. I don’t know how…..but they just knew, and did. Those are friends.
When I met with my friend on Saturday, she bought me brunch and delivered it with a heavy dose of wisdom, experience, and sanity. I didn’t tell her that I needed it. She just knew. She could read between my words and look into my heart. She knew what I needed to hear, whether I wanted to hear it or not, and told me. No sugar in my coffee, no sugarcoating in her words. Just raw, real, honesty. She’s my girl. My kind of woman. I walked away full of bacon and eggs, yet with a huge weight lifted. Amiga.
I remember my parents telling me that I shouldn’t worry about having lots of friends. That it’s better to be alone than with bad company….”mejor sola que mal acompañada”. That a few real friends are better than a lot of fake ones. They taught me that friends should be loyal and trustworthy. That they should never use me for what I may have or how I can help them.
I find myself repeating these same words to my own kids…only now I really understand them….because you truly do end up with far less friends the older you get and the more life knocks you around….but have mercy, they are the good ones.
I’m filing this post under Random Musings. I’m not helping you stay healthy during cold and flu season with this, or tipping you off on how to combat adult acne.
Maybe I’m helping you take a moment to realize who the good people in your life are, because there’s always at least one.
Maybe I’m helping you realize that not everyone deserves a place at your table.
Maybe you’ll get to this last paragraph and mumble about how badly you wished this had been about dryer balls or natural air fresheners.
I’ll get to those another time, I promise. It’s just that sometimes, I’ll start out with every intent to wax and wane poetic about essential oils, but my heart will want to go in a different direction…..And that’s just what it did.

Morayma , my beautiful friend
October 10, 2018 at 9:24 pmI always read your posts , you know I like your writing , your personality , your way of being , and I take your advices with great attention ( as should do every person around you ) , but of course I can’t reply to posts about oils and beauty remedies LOL !!
Friendship has always been an important subject to me , and you are right, your post made me think of my own situation only to come to the conckusion that I currently have no friends at all…
Lots of coworkers , plenty of acquaintances , a bunch of longtime fellows but I never committed myself to any of them
Not such a big surprise actually : I always kept relationship on a superficial level , because I was afraid of being betrayed , and never had expectations on them , not even with family
Let alone friendship with women…you know how it gets , sooner or later sex would pop out , you know something like ” When harry met Sally ” LOL !!
But I’m so happy that you do have friends. You are so loyal , so clean , so good that I consider you a gift ,a blessing for every person that comes close to your range , and I really hope that life will start paying you back for all the good you do to others
I consider you as a friend of mine , physically apart but close with the hearts !!
Ciao amica mia !!
Ah thank you so much for such a kind, and beautiful comment and compliment. It really means a lot! I am sorry that you feel that you have not found these types of friendships, but I am sure that your wife and son are some of the best friends you could ask for! You can always consider me a friend as well amico mio! I know that it is indeed rare and a true blessing to find people that are devoid of selfishness and can be truly loyal and honest. They are treasures. I will always be grateful for the good people in my life and I hope to always be able to reciprocate. Baci e abracci!
October 10, 2018 at 9:58 pmMitch Mitchell
Loyal and trustworthy… those are my top two, with honesty coming in at #3; we’re more alike than we know. 🙂 I agree with you on the friends part; I don’t have many friends, even if I have (had) lots of acquaintances. Friendship is sacred; most of the time we’ve had to have gone through a battle together (metaphorically speaking) to have the right to be called friends. At this point in my life I only have one friend who could possibly read me… but I live in New York and he lives in New Hampshire… so we rarely see each other.
In a way, that’s why the online community is so important. We can reach out to others when we need to talk to someone yet not lose our sense of independence. It’s not as satisfying as having someone to go out to lunch or dinner with, but it works in its own way.
November 11, 2018 at 10:25 pmMorayma
We certainly are, my friend! I agree with you regarding keeping in touch and having a village of sorts via social media. Helps balance out the not-so-great aspects of it, I think! Also completely agree with your definition of friends….we definitely learn that the older we get. Those we truly can call friends become fewer and farther between…but they are priceless.
November 12, 2018 at 10:55 pmDebbie
You are right, true friendships are to be cherished! I’m blessed to have made and kept so many, but not all. It seems the best friendships survive and thrive when both parties make significant efforts to spend time on the relationship. Cheers to good friends!
August 17, 2021 at 12:55 amMorayma
That is so true….like any good relationship…time and effort are key! 🙂
August 17, 2021 at 6:37 pmCindy
Real friends are hard to find and definitely worth keeping
August 17, 2021 at 4:46 pmMorayma
Absolutely true! 🙂
August 17, 2021 at 6:36 pmCarolyn
Beautifully written from the heart! Those precious few, like your kindergarten friend, are our forever pals. They’re the ones who truly count.
August 17, 2021 at 11:24 pmMorayma
Thank you so much….and you’re absolutely right! 🙂
August 19, 2021 at 7:53 pmMarianne
When friends stick by you through the ugly times, you know they will always be by your side. Unfortunately, a crisis is a good way to weed out th people who are not meant to be in your life!
August 18, 2021 at 2:16 pmMorayma
You are so right about that! 🙂
August 19, 2021 at 7:52 pmCarmen
It can be difficult to find new friends or even keep in touch with the old ones in our distanced and isolated society. Good you have a few good ones!
August 18, 2021 at 2:53 pmMorayma
Absolutely true….and lately society has become much more distanced and isolated. Trying hard to stay in touch with our village is so important! 🙂
August 19, 2021 at 7:52 pmLisa, Casey, Barrett Dog
Real long-lasting friendships are great and hard to find!
August 18, 2021 at 7:05 pmMorayma
So very true! 🙂
August 19, 2021 at 7:50 pmCindy Moore
Those long lasting friendships are so valuable…and rare! Thanks for sharing about your amazing friend.
August 22, 2021 at 1:21 amMorayma
So true….they are treasures! 🙂
August 26, 2021 at 6:55 pmSabrina DeWalt
What a wonderful post. I’ve always told my boys you will be able to count your true blue friends on one hand. The older I get, the more true this has become. But those that make the cut will always be there.
September 2, 2021 at 9:29 pmMorayma
Thank you so much, and that is so true….I tell my kids the same thing. You realize it is all about quality over quantity the older you get! 🙂
September 5, 2021 at 11:53 pm