I’ve always been really good at smiling my way through life no matter the challenges. I’ve always been great at taking on more than I could or should handle too. I know I’m not unique in this….but I also recognize that it’s not particularly healthy or ok.
Not that I advise that we all walk around falling apart or coming undone. There’s something to be said about strength of character and grit. Both of which are going the way of the dinosaur….or so it seems.
….but at some point it’s important to realize that you maybe don’t always have to be strong, appear strong, or stay strong.
Stay strong.
Damn it, I can’t tell you how often I have heard those words and honestly even though they have been delivered with the best of intentions….they don’t help.
I know I need to stay strong. We all do, right?
Just like we all know the importance of maintaining gratitude and hope.
….but sometimes we just want someone to tell us it’s ok to be overwhelmed and fall apart. It is exhausting to keep it together. Add in keeping it together for your family and everyone else….that order is sometimes too tall to fill.
I’m overwhelmed. There. I said it.
I’m ok. I’ll be ok….but that’s not the point.
We don’t talk enough about this. We aren’t honest enough. We want the world to think we are perfect parents, perfect employees, perfect friends, perfect spouses/partners. We have to keep up with the Internet Joneses with our highlight reels of life as we think it should be.
The truth of the matter is that this year has made it harder on the best of us to keep smiling through the fire and brimstone. I do my little dance online with the funny memes and the inspirational blog posts too. I have my good days…but I’d be lying if I said I didn’t have terrible days as well.
I’m overwhelmed.
I won’t bore you with the details of everything that’s on my plate. We all have our own stories, and we all are trying our best to man our ships. Suffice it to say there are just not enough hours in one day….or moments of respite. Things can get physically, emotionally, and spiritually taxing. Daily.
I need a clone. Or two. Three?
….plus I have some major life changing decisions to make within the next 7-8 months and don’t even know where to begin with that process. (Stuff I’ll eventually write about, but not now…things must come to fruition before I tell their tale.)
I have wonderful people in my life, but they all have their own stuff going on. So…yes…all of this overwhelm and work and decision making feels daunting and lonely all too often.
Why am I writing all of this? Not to invite you to a pity party. Far from it.
I’m writing this because I promised to be very real when I started this blog. We have enough by way of smoke and mirrors and filtered selfies run rampant on social media. Everyone acting like they are pandemic heroes…and that’s great….but it’s not real.
Real is the fact that I….and many, many, many others….are completely overwhelmed, stressed out, exhausted, and just asking for a minute to come up for air.
It is what it is, I suppose.
.…and I have to remind myself (and anyone else who needs to hear it) that the only way through this year and everything it has thrown at us is to take things day by day. Minute by minute if necessary.
Sometimes second by second.
I find myself sighing a lot lately…..much to the chagrin of those who live with me. It’s not a heroine sigh. No swoons or fluttering eyelashes here. Just me reminding myself to breathe. Sometimes that’s the only form of self-care I have time for.
There have been worse things. I know. My dad lived through much worse than this. I do think we are all cut from a very different cloth than our ancestors were….but….there is still some warrior left in us, right? I like to think so.
…but it doesn’t mean we aren’t allowed to feel daunted and sometimes defeated.
Especially nowadays when there is so much division that for way too many people their circle of family and friends just keeps getting smaller. As if lockdowns and the ensuing isolation weren’t enough. Study anthropology for just a minute and you’ll realize that we are not meant to isolate. We are not meant to be without our village.
Add in all of the stressors this year has laid in our laps and how do we not feel a gross sense of overwhelm at least some of the time??
So…there it is. I’m overwhelmed. I still smile through a lot of it, but I cry and worry and stress too much on the flip side. I do everything I can holistically to keep myself balanced, but sometimes that’s not enough. I like to feel a sense of control over my life and my future…and that’s not something I think most of us have right now.
I think it’s ok for you all to know that….because I know a hell of a lot of you are feeling the same way.
I think it’s also ok to admit that I am not getting as much done as I was hoping for when it comes to my blog, my business, my ongoing education….I think we are so used to overachieving and multi-tasking that there is this innate sense of guilt and dread when we can’t DO IT ALL. Anyone else with me on this?
So there it is.
Now back to work and kids and getting through it.
We’ve got this…..together. 😉

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** header photo by Roberto Bassi @pixabay
Mitch Mitchell
Dang, you caught me off guard because I’ve never thought about my situation as overwhelm. Stressed, absolutely, a bit fearful, yup, but overwhelmed… wow! I also smile through a lot of it, though when I can I also hop back into bed and try taking a nap to get the energy to keep going. We do what we need to do, right?
December 17, 2020 at 6:28 pmMorayma
Yeah, it’s interesting because I never really considered it overwhelm until just recently when I ended up with a landslide of new “challenges” in my lap. 2020 has been challenging enough, so I realized I was really truly feeling a sense of overwhelm, trying to come up for air. I’m one of those “smile through it” types too….sometimes it’s all we can do, right?! Hang in there my friend! I know you’ve got a full plate as well! xo
December 18, 2020 at 6:41 pmLaura
You really spell out what so many of us are feeling (but are often unable to admit) Stay strong and keep sharing your thoughts and speaking (typing) your mind.
January 26, 2021 at 2:30 amMorayma
Thank you, Laura! It’s been a tough time for so many of us but putting thoughts to paper (or blog post) definitely helps a lot as well as knowing that we’re not alone in all this. 🙂
January 26, 2021 at 3:57 pmMegan
Love the honesty here. I think we all feel that overwhelm, at least at times.
January 26, 2021 at 4:18 amMorayma
Thank you, Megan! It’s not always easy to write about these vulnerabilities, but it’s also therapeutic in a way. Hoping we all have less overwhelm and more calm in the year ahead. 🙂
January 26, 2021 at 3:59 pmMarianne
Yup… there have definitely been those moments of feeling overwhelmed in the last year. Its been a tough one… but as you said… I smile and continue to push my way through!
January 26, 2021 at 2:21 pmMorayma
Such a tough one…especially when you have kids!….then again, it’s the having kids that I think makes us all the stronger and able to smile through these moments. Hopefully we’ve got some smoother sailing ahead! 🙂
January 26, 2021 at 4:00 pmTricia Snow
Overwhelmed is an understatement when you have kids!
January 26, 2021 at 9:34 pmMorayma
It really is!! Just trying to stay afloat half the time…it’s crazy!
January 26, 2021 at 10:41 pmAmanda
Overwhelm is SO challenging, especially when you have children or other responsibilities that are non-negotiables. All of us need to reach out for help in those moments.
January 26, 2021 at 9:50 pmMorayma
So true, and I am terrible at reaching out for help. It’s a goal I’m working on for this year…to allow myself to take a step back and ask for assistance when needed. I think as moms especially we just want to make sure everyone is ok and forget all too often to see if we are ok ourselves. Thanks for your comment and for stopping by! 🙂
January 26, 2021 at 10:39 pmAngela
It has been a challenging year for sure. We are trying to focus on hope and gratitude here too. thanks for the lovely post and reminders.
January 26, 2021 at 9:53 pmMorayma
Thank you so much, Angela! Here’s to a little more joy and peace for all of us! 🙂
January 26, 2021 at 10:38 pmemily
Thanks for a raw honesty. I def feel that as well at times
January 26, 2021 at 10:22 pmMorayma
Thank you, Emily! Hopefully we get some calmer moments over the next few months. We all deserve it! 🙂
January 26, 2021 at 10:36 pmSabrina DeWalt
I think, especially right now, we all have those times when we feel overwhelmed. It is natural to feel it when you take the stresses from our normal lives and add in the stresses of dealing with a pandemic, isolation, and possibly financial hardships. When I have those bad days, I allow myself to indulge in my feelings. Generally, for me, that is all I need to be able to pick up and keep going. I hope the decisions you have to make work themselves out and you can move on to the good stuff again.
January 26, 2021 at 11:21 pmMorayma
I love this advice…of allowing yourself to indulge in your emotions. That’s so important especially since I think all too often we try to ignore or bury those feelings. Thanks for sharing this because it’s definitely something I need and want to work on. 🙂
January 27, 2021 at 3:41 amBarbara
You inspire! Thank you for sharing your honest truth. I believe many of us echo your words in thought…
January 27, 2021 at 3:26 amMorayma
Thank you so much for this….means a lot! It always helps to know we’re not alone on this road. 🙂
January 27, 2021 at 3:42 amSuz | TravelsWithSuz.com
It definitely gets easier – when you’re in the midst of raising a family, and all that goes along with that, it can definitely be overwhelming. But, it’s a great place to be! Sound weird?
January 30, 2021 at 7:08 amBelieve me – when your kids are off, and your husband dies (when you really do have to be strong) – you then have a lot of time to reflect on what great times you lived through when life was hectic.
Freedom is just another word for, “Nothing left to lose.”
I love this perspective, thank you! It’s good to be reminded that every stage of life, even with its challenges, has many blessings. 🙂
February 1, 2021 at 12:28 amCindy Moore
I appreciate your honesty. Last year presented such challenges and this year is basically a continuation of them with a few new things thrown in! You are right. The only way through…is to go through, minute by minute. I’m grateful for my online communities.
February 1, 2021 at 2:15 amMorayma
Thank you, Cindy! Yeah…last year was a doozy and it seems to be creeping into this year as well…the aftermath, I guess. That minute by minute reminder is what keeps me sane (or mostly!). Sometimes it’s a second by second! Online communities are a blessing during times like these…glad you’ve found some great ones and here’s to a better year ahead! 🙂
February 5, 2021 at 12:29 amSara Vochek
Thank you so much for this! Sometimes it is so hard to to admit what you just admitted in this post. We don’t want to come off as weak or vulnerable. We are afraid of what people might think about us. I know I personally don’t want people to think that of me and that’s my anxiety getting the best of me.
August 11, 2021 at 11:11 pmMorayma
Thank you for your comment….and you’re welcome too! 🙂 It can be so incredibly hard to admit, but so many of us struggle with these insecurities and it truly takes a village to get us through. I’m so glad that this resonated with you. Wishing you all the best!
August 12, 2021 at 4:51 pmEmily Rivera
That word – overwhelm – nobody wants to admit that they are overwhelmed.
August 13, 2021 at 10:32 pmThese words from your blog post resonated with me so much:
“I think it’s also ok to admit that I am not getting as much done as I was hoping for when it comes to my blog, my business, my ongoing education….I think we are so used to overachieving and multi-tasking that there is this innate sense of guilt and dread when we can’t DO IT ALL. Anyone else with me on this?”
THANKS for writing these words. I am in the same boat. I guess baby steps and breathe and baby steps and breathe…🌹🌹🌹
Thank you so much for such a meaningful comment! It’s really special when my words resonate with someone, and the reason why I keep on writing even when life gets crazy busy. Thank you so much for stopping by and I love what you said….baby steps and breathe, baby steps and breathe. Sometimes that’s all we can do, but at least it’s baby steps in the right direction! xo
August 17, 2021 at 6:40 pmEmily
So relatable. Yeah, we have to stay strong, but we also have to process our feelings.
August 15, 2021 at 4:34 amMorayma
Thank you!….and you’re right, it’s that fine balance between strength and vulnerability. So hard to get to that balance, but so important to keep working at it! 🙂
August 17, 2021 at 6:38 pm