It’s the first day of the new year. 2021.
I had such high hopes for 2020. The beginning of a new decade. The symbolism of 20/20 vision and all that other, now painfully cliche, stuff seemed the perfect fount of inspiration.
My hopes were genuine though.
The new decade symbolized for me an end to a previously hardcore ten years during which I dealt with some extremely difficult life changes seemingly one after the other. It was a Sisyphean decade….best way to describe it.
However, as soon as the first month of the first year of the new decade came ’round for a visit I knew we were in for a ride in a hand basket at warp speed towards….well, you already know.
From physical and emotional challenges to losing icons…last year made its presence known right away. And how.
Then….March came along and made sure that life as we knew it would come to a screeching halt. Pathogens, politics, fear, anger, divisiveness, resentments, illness (both physical and mental) all hit with avalanche force.
No other year, and believe me I’ve lived through some stuff, had ever rendered me feeling so completely small and helpless.
….but… we humans are prone to do….I pushed through.
Like all of you did.
I learned a few new things, re-prioritized others, became an even more budget-savvy geek, and made sure to always have an extra pack of toilet paper handy. I also quickly understood that what I once thought was “multi-tasking” could be taken to a completely new and crazier level. Working three jobs, helping two teens distance learn while dealing with the fear and angst of pandemia, taking my own classes, caring for my blind pup, and so…much…more. I now am able to multi-task at Advanced Level Fire. I’m about to add that to my LinkedIn profile.
I suppose 2020 wasn’t a complete waste after all.
So, on this first day of 2021, I hold zero expectations for what lies ahead. I know that what matters most is our health and making whatever decisions necessary to maintain it. Some decisions small and simple. Others difficult and huge.
I don’t have any resolutions other than to be better at time management so as to feel less overwhelmed. This means saying “no” more often. Not an easy task for a girl who often dances intimately with the Cuban-guilt she was raised with…but I need to do it.
I want to continue to allow myself the hours I need to grow my passions. My writing. My stories. This blog. I plan on remembering more often that what I want and need is important too. Something many of us moms forget all too often.
I want to continue to allow my mind to expand and grow and learn….and impart all of that onto my kids. This year has been an emotionally and socially difficult one for them….but their ability to critically think has helped them through some of this.
We’ve watched, as a little family microcosm, how dogma and one-sided rhetoric can damage people and destroy families and friendships far more than any viral load could. We want no part of that…and so we will continue to learn with open hearts and open minds. Putting our energy into that which’ll make us better humans. 2021 and beyond….
Wishing you all the very best this new year, and I look forward to sharing more stories with you (and re-introducing old ones too, of course!)
Another year of rewiring adulthood is ahead. 😉

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I love this post! This is a great sum up of 2020 and the feelings of starting this new year. I also need to work on time management- something that became even more clear this year. Thanks for sharing!
January 11, 2021 at 6:57 pmMorayma
Thank you so much, Sarah! Time management is a really tough one…but I guess there’s no better time than now to get better at it! 🙂 Wishing you a happy 2021 and I love the name of your blog, btw!
January 11, 2021 at 8:12 pmDaniele
Morayma my friend, as always I love what you write; I love your capacity to focus on what is necessary and shadow what is not. Your positivity and good vibes are heard strong and clear like we were chatting in front of a hot cup of coffee.
January 17, 2021 at 5:07 pmOf course I hope this 2021 could be a better year for everyone, and for many of us it really will be : The scientific community is working hard to find all a different serie of vaccines to prevent the spread of the pandemic, and the economic community is trying hard to minimize the impact coming from jobs loss…I hope they will succeed…really do !!
This has personally been a hard decade for me ; I’ve lost my parents, but the worst thing is that I voluntary took the load of all the circumstances over my shoulders, before, during and after, with the result that I came out of this with my bones broken.
But, in spite of this, for the first time, this year I have a new year resolution…
I won’t ever blame myself, for other people inconveniences anymore…may it be my wife, brother, sons, friends
I’m going to put myself as main priority , do what i for too long postponed, stop worrying for other people troubles
Very likely I’ll lose my job this year, but That’s not my fault, i can’t get sick for something I can’t control…
I’m getting old for good, I’ll hit 60 in August…I can’t waste other time trying to make other people happy…
I really wish you a year mainly healthy, of course, full of love, full of great opportunities, and great achievements !!
Let’s see what this year might have in held for us, my friend
Love you !!
Thank you so much for your wonderful compliment and for sharing your sentiments, my friend! I do hope and pray for a better year for all of us and that you find the peace and happiness you deserve as well! Making yourself a priority is so incredibly important…and it is something I need to learn as well. I also am always taking on other’s burdens and making sure everyone else is well while not taking time for my own wellbeing. It is a difficult pattern to stop especially as a parent…but we must. We will learn how to….great goal for this new year! Many blessings, amico mio! xx
January 18, 2021 at 5:40 pmDaniele
And…a joke, you probably will understand better thanEnglish speaking friends, being yourself half Cuban…
January 21, 2021 at 3:58 pmSome keep saying ” Life has so many wonderful things in held for us “, that in Italian is ” La vita ha tantissime cose meravigliose in serbo per noi ”
The joke lies in ” In held ” that is translated with ” in serbo”
Only, in serbo also means ” in Serbian ” so the sentence becomes ” Life has so many wonderful things in Serbian for us…
In fact the reply is ” Oh well , the problem is : Who the f**k understands Serbian anyway “
Hahahaha excellent!! I had to laugh because now I think…well now we know why we don’t have all of those wonderful things when we want them! One must go to Serbia and look for them! 😉
January 21, 2021 at 7:53 pm