I was a late convert to the essential oils game, but that old adage of “better late than never” fits this scenario perfectly for me. I started off with the Thieves Oil Blend which I’ve written about and swear by, and then slowly but surely started experimenting with others until I became a full fledged fan.
I love every oil I’ve tried and each one has its own special place in my holistic immune support and beauty arsenal, but one of the latest oil blends that I’ve tried and fallen head over heels for is Young Living’s Progessence Plus Serum…which is what I’m here to tell you about right now!
So….unlike the most popular influencers who tend to be in their teens and 20s, I want to be able to give beauty and wellness advice that women, of a more mature bent (like yours truly), can relate to and use with effective and positive results.
I’ve written about a few essential oils that I use on my face, as well as other products, skin tools, and supplements (and I promise to keep sharing everything I can!) that can help us age gracefully and naturally. Everything I share about, I actually use and have seen real benefits from…..but one of the most powerful, in my humble opinion, has been Progessence Plus.
I first heard about this oil blend from a friend of mine who swore by it, and it peaked my curiosity right away. She said she could tell a difference on the days she didn’t use it and tried to always have some on hand.
The difference she felt and saw wasn’t only on her skin though…it was on how she felt overall. Emotionally, physically, energy-wise. Sounded too good to be true, but lord knows I already knew Mama Nature had these kinds of surprises up her sleeve so why not check it out?
I was already very happy with my skincare routine and the oils I was using. What I hated to admit is that even though I wasn’t looking my age, I was definitely starting to feel it. Yet, my ego was hesitant to try a product that sounded like it was meant for menopausal women…because ughhhhh I was and am not ready for that!
I mean….the last time someone said they were using a “progesterone cream” it was probably your grandma, right?
Here’s the thing though…I COULD NOT have been more wrong. Progessence Plus Serum is not a “progesterone cream” and it is definitely not for grannys….although they can certainly benefit from it too!
This blend of essential oils is actually safe to start using at age 12 until the day your clock runs out and you are laid to rest….which is hopefully sometime after age 99. 😉
As a matter of fact, now that my daughter is a teen and dealing with her own dance with the hormone devils, I’ve made her a roller consisting of sweet almond oil and Progessence Plus. The mood swings are still there but with less intensity and the added bonus of clearer skin!
As for me, well into my 40’s, I can tell you that I definitely know what my friend was talking about when it comes to using this stuff daily. Total game changer.
I started off using Progessence Plus Serum by adding a few drops to my moisturizer at night. I knew that the oil blend of Frankincense, Cedarwood, Copaiba, Peppermint, Bergamot and Clove along with pure Vitamin E were incredibly nourishing for my skin. I loved the effect, but wanted to know how to use this serum to help me feel better, not just look better.
So I did a little independent research. Surpised? 😉
Since Progessence Plus contains Wild Yam extract I knew that it would help keep my hormones in check which is a major plus at any age but especially once you get to that 35+ range of womanhood. In the past, progesterone containing products have gotten a bad rap and for good reason.
Synthetic hormones can and very often do much more harm than good. The 100% pure Wild Yam extract in this serum is very different. It contains a small yet still effective amount of progesterone that is biologically identical to our own. No weird or dangerous reactions because our bodies recognize it and know exactly what to do with it. All natural. No synthetics at all.
After several days of using it as suggested I noticed that I was sleeping better, felt overall much calmer, and once Aunt Flo rolled around I noticed a significant decrease in my PMS symptoms….and did I tell you how great this oil blend is for your skin already?
Yes, that too.
Reading up on Progessence Plus Serum I started to see more and more women sharing their stories of how this serum was not only keeping their skin youthful and healthy, but also helping support and regulate their hormones, thyroid function, and blood pressure.
Countless women shared how it was helping with decreasing hot flashes and bouts with insomnia, reducing migraine severity, helping with menstrual regularity and even a surprisingly large amount of stories from women who had success with fertility after integrating this serum into their daily wellness regimen.
This really should not have come as a surprise since our bodies naturally produce progesterone and we need it to function optimally as women. Sad fact is that as we age or even encounter hits from stress or illness our progesterone levels can decrease dramatically. So this serum is like this crazy amazing potion that genuinely supports your body to LOOK and FEEL younger…and I can definitely attest to this!
While you can still add it to your face lotion, I have moved over to using the recommended 2-4 drops a day placed directly on my wrists, abdomen, inner thighs or the sides of my neck at bedtime. The soothing scent is a nice nighttime bonus and promotes a feeling of relaxation and balance which I know we all need to feel when our heads hit the pillow!
This blend is 100% plant based so it’s perfect for everyone including my vegan friends, and since it’s from Young Living, I know I can trust the quality and purity without hesitation.
I seriously love this one so much that when the pandemic hit, I ordered 2 extra bottles to make sure I wouldn’t run out because I wanted to be prepared for the Apocalypse with some good looking skin and balanced hormones! 😀
So there you have it….yet another of my beauty and wellness secrets!
If you want your own bottle of Progessence Plus Serum, or know someone who could benefit from it…head over to MY YL OILS SHOP. You can find the serum under “Personal Care” on my products page. 🙂
Now I’m off to see what I can do about these pesky gray hairs….til next time!

**As an affiliate marketer, I make a small percentage of each sale made via links on this blog.
Header photo by Congerdesign @pixabay.
1 Comment
Rewiring Perimenopause: 7 Natural Remedies That Help Me Feel Sane and Healthy. – Adulthood Rewired
[…] Progessence Plus Essential Oil Blend: This is one of the first natural remedies I started using to help me deal with insomnia and hot flashes. The change was almost instant and I use this blend daily now. Every friend of mine who has tried it has had marked improvements in how they feel and I could not be a bigger fan of something that works so well! I even wrote an entire blog post about it which you can find here. […]
October 17, 2022 at 5:47 pm