No one prepares you for parenting. Like none of it. Seriously.
You can read all the books, and you can study early childhood education and psychology. You can work with kids and watch every documentary on the planet. It’s not going to prepare you.
You might have some idea, some tools, some back-up plans….but the reality is that parenting will have you spinning mentally, emotionally, and physically from the day that baby pops out until the day you die. You might even still feel this way from behind the pearly gates. I would actually be willing to bet on that.
I’m not gonna sit here and sugar coat it for you.
If you are lucky enough to have a village of help and people who are raising your kids with you…you may have it easier. Single parents, ahem, deserve massive accolades, statues built, and large monetary bonuses that arrive mysteriously in their bank accounts overnight. Or at the very least a million dollar gift card to the local BevMo. Just sayin’.
The sleepless nights. The worry. The stress. The teething. The colic. The green liquid poop blowouts. The walking-into-the-store-with-puke-down-your-back moments. That tantrums. The seemingly never-ending illnesses. The food aversions. The clothing aversions. The tantrums. The school drama. The hormonal hell of puberty. The heartbreaks. Sweet baby Jesus.
You can master infancy then get sideswept by toddlerhood. You get those toddlers under control and the preschool years pull the rug right out from under you.
Then they start elementary school and the homework drama begins. You feel like an ass of epic proportions trying to help your kid understand Common Core math while attempting (futilely) to maintain a modicum of authority.
This only gets worse as they head into middle and high school…..and for those of us trying to help our kids with school/homework during lockdowns and a pandemic…have mercy….at least when they’re little you can pretend you know what the f*@^% you’re doing and your kids still think you’re some sort of God. Right?
Do you think that I remember how to do high school Algebra in my 40’s??
I do not.
I’m a mom of teens and therefore have zero cred as it is.
Teens know EVERYTHING. And no matter what you do, or who you are, you are going to be a source of embarrassment to those kids. You also will know and understand absolutely nothing. Ever. Eye roll.
Does not matter that I traveled the world as a fashion model represented by top agencies. I hung out in the VIPs of the most renowned clubs in Milan, NY, Miami, and Tokyo. WITH celebrities.
I am still incredibly uncool and embarrassing.
I speak 4 languages…..but when asked to help with Spanish homework, OH MY GOD MOM YOU DON’T GET ITTTTTTTTTTTTT. No importa que haya estado hablando español desde que tenía un año de edad.
I think I should be the one eye rolling here.
Everything is boring and depressing and often stupid. Because teenagers.
So yeah…I am pretty great with infants, and toddlers, and even the elementary crew now. I’m experienced. I mean, it was all incredibly exhausting while going through it….
…..but the teens?? Oh God. Could we at least have gotten a manual for this? Just this??
Teens now are different. How could they not be? They have grown up in the age of screens and thrust into the world via social media no matter how vigilant we may try to be. Innocence seems to disappear faster than a Slurpee on a dog day of summer in the 80s.
It’s not the simpler times of our youth.
This is so real that even my kids tell me they wish they had grown up like Gen X. I wish they could have too.
Even dating and heartbreak is harder for them now. I was SO NOT READY to deal with this topic, but my 16 year old made me realize, yet again, that this parenting thing is not something we ever, ever, ever, get a true handle on.
In true pandemic form he’s met girls via his social media that have toyed with him, strung him along, and since this kid of mine is a big hearted, hopeless romantic….well…he’s been hurt. Yet he keeps trusting. Time and again.
Social media and teens dating. Helllllp.
It’s all out there. Everything you say and do. Kids toy with each others emotions via posts and comments. Break-ups, hook-ups, infidelity, manipulation. Ugh. I hate it.
Do you know how fun it is to live with a teen that is having “relationship issues”? The mood swings…..dear Lord take the wheel.
….so you find yourself scrambling to set boundaries for the excess attitude, while wishing you could bubble wrap their hearts and sit them on your lap for a cuddle. To make it all better.
I mean, the whole smart phone/social media/internet thing with kids is incredibly difficult. Doesn’t matter how much you try to protect them from it…they inevitably get sucked in one way or the other. You end up swimming against the tide trying to remind them about what is REAL and what is FAKE.
You realize that this world of screens pushes the instant gratification narrative harder than ever and in order to keep up with this push for viral affirmation, so many kids lose their moral compass. Some parents don’t even care.
Which makes you the bad guy. The worst guy. When you actually act like a PARENT.
….and neither of my kids drives yet…but I can only assume that comes with a whole new set of gray hairs.
It’s not all bad though. Every age and stage has it’s incredible moments. Sometimes we don’t appreciate or realize them until that age has passed and we’ve moved on to something more difficult.
I can and do take moments to realize that even though the teen years may send me to an early grave….my kids can be hilarious, and it’s fun to have conversations with them (when they aren’t arguing), and I love listening to them talk to their friends about important topics they are passionate about.
I love that they are growing up…although that in itself causes another sort of bittersweet sadness.
Finding your community, be it in person or online, of parents is imperative to survival. Trust me.
I was not a fan of mommy groups when my kids were little. There does tend to be a major issue with side eyes and judgement within these little tribes. I have, however, found great online communities of parents of teens that are keeping me somewhat sane.
I’m also reading books on teen psychology and one of the most poignant lines I’ve read so far is that teens are basically crazy people…because of the way their brains are developing and their hormones surging. So…if you feel like your kid is nuts….it’s because they kind of are…..and hopefully you won’t end up in a padded cell yourself just from living with them. 😉
It’s hard, folks.
I think all Sex Ed classes should not only include those baby dolls that cry all night long…but these kids should be forced to live with a couple of teenagers for a week. Birth control at its finest!
Actually…we may end up going extinct if that happens.
Not even kidding!

header photo by Greyerbaby @pixabay.
**As an affiliate, I make a small percentage of every sale made via links in my blog.
Heather J Jandrue
Ha!! I hear ya. I have boys, 19 and 15. It is hard. I look at my sister who has a 2-year-old and I think.. just you wait. It is mentally exhausting.
February 9, 2021 at 12:25 amMorayma
Right?! It is so incredibly mentally exhausting in such a completely different way than parenting little ones. I never thought I’d miss the terrible twos but those seem like a cakewalk now in comparison!
February 9, 2021 at 1:16 amAngela
OMG, I am knocking on that parenting teens door – twins at 12 yrs old! Cover me – I am going in….
February 9, 2021 at 1:13 amMorayma
Ohhhh the teen years with twins!! You are definitely earning the Super Mom award! I swear my kids started their teens years when they were 11 and it’s only intensified since then aaaahhhh!
February 9, 2021 at 1:15 amWhitney Woodley
Oh my goodness. I am certainly not ready for the teen years. My son is only 3. Thank you for sharing! Great perspective & resources.🌸
February 9, 2021 at 1:34 amMorayma
Thank you!! Enjoy your 3 year old…it can be so tough but also such a sweet age! They do adore their mamas so much when they are little! 🙂 They love us as teens too….just have a really hard time admitting it lol!
February 9, 2021 at 3:06 amHolly
The best advice I can give you is to remember when you were a teen and all the emotional turmoil..and trust that you are doing a great job .. because by the time they are 13 they will always be trying to find ways to prove you wrong! It gets better around 24!
February 9, 2021 at 2:41 amMorayma
I love this advice so much, thank you!! Not to mention being a teen nowadays is a lot tougher than it was for us in so many different ways. I’m always learning and trying my best while still instilling values….it’s exhausting but I know it will be worth it in the end. I can’t wait till 24 haha!! So good to know there’s a light at the end of the tunnel! 🙂
February 9, 2021 at 3:07 amDarby
I just got married and could not imagine what life with teenagers is like, but it seems as though it is a tough few years of life to go through. Thanks for the advanced notice!
February 9, 2021 at 3:04 amMorayma
You’re welcome and congratulations on your marriage!! Hopefully the advance notice helps lots of future moms of teens….lord knows I would’ve love a warning haha! 😉
February 9, 2021 at 3:09 amSandra Whitmore
Makes me glad I don’t have teens but you know it will all work out in a few years.
February 9, 2021 at 3:06 amMorayma
I sure hope I survive that long haha!! I know it will all work out and I pray that the seeds I am planting take root…particularly with my son who seems to be the most adamant that he knows more than me (or anyone else for that matter!).
February 9, 2021 at 3:14 amAlexis Farmer
I don’t have kids, but I can only imagine how hard it must be!
February 9, 2021 at 4:04 pmMorayma
Soooo crazy hard…..thank God for wine and coffee lol!
February 10, 2021 at 12:41 amSabrina DeWalt
Dealing with the heartbreak of big hearted young men us the worst. I hate to tell you, but it doesn’t get any better when they become adults.
February 12, 2021 at 4:25 amMorayma
Soooo incredibly hard isn’t it? 🙁 That’s the thing about being a mama….we will always hurt when our kids hurt no matter how old they are. xo
February 13, 2021 at 7:10 pmElaina Mogren
We just entered the teen years and it’s something else for sure. Social media doesn’t make it any easier either. Good luck!
February 9, 2021 at 6:32 pmMorayma
Social media definitely adds so many layers of difficulty to an already tough age range! We deserve all the luck! 🙂
February 10, 2021 at 12:41 amDawn Troxell
Your words are spot on and I particularly enjoyed the bursts of humor thrown in there. I definitely got a chuckle while reading this and listening to your descriptions. As the mom of 3 sons (now 28, 25, and 21), I do know that it does get easier but you never stop worrying about them. I’m 55 and I still have to call or text my mom to let her know that I arrived safely when traveling. LOL!
February 9, 2021 at 8:43 pmMorayma
Thank you so much! 🙂 You’re my hero…mom of three boys! I have a son and a daughter and my son has had me with one foot in the grave for over a decade haha! It helps a lot to hear that it gets better once they are in their 20s. I believe you though…we will always worry won’t we? I have to check in with my mom when traveling too or she thinks I’m laying in a ditch on the side of the road!
February 10, 2021 at 12:39 amLaura
I have 2 boys, 15 and 12. I understand and feel so much of what you’re saying. Just because we survived, or even thrived during our teen years, doesn’t give us all of the answers now. I also remind myself that I didn’t think my parents were cool at the time either, but I love them like crazy. Our kids will hopefully realize how awesome we are too. Good luck to all of us moms!
February 9, 2021 at 9:53 pmMorayma
Yes!! I hope (and think) our kids will realize how awesome we are too…even if they don’t think so in the moment or for the next few years haha! Good luck to all of us indeed…we deserve it! 🙂
February 10, 2021 at 12:37 amKristen W Allred
I hear you on this one having raised 3 kids, the last one being 18. I think the best advice I can give is that when things get difficult and you’re getting all kinds of advice from friends, family, and even professionals on what to do, listen to your inner voice. You know what’s best.
February 10, 2021 at 1:12 amMorayma
I love that piece of advice and agree 100%! That mama intuition always wins out in the end! 🙂
February 10, 2021 at 7:09 pmKendra
Wow! I can totally relate to this one! Both of my girls are now on the other side of 25, but I still have a 17-year-old boy in the house. In many ways, he has always been the easy one to raise, but that was before there was a girlfriend in the picture. Don’t get me wrong…I really, really like her, but teen relationships these days are NOT easy by any stretch of the imagination. Lord, help us…and them!
February 10, 2021 at 4:50 pmMorayma
My son will be 17 in June and oh-my-Lord he is making me go gray by the minute because of the girl thing! I can totally commiserate with you on that….wow it’s hard. I do hope my boy meets a nice girl soon though….so far his lack of judgement in the girl department has been so hard for him (and me!). I’m always shocked at how manipulative and mind-game playing some of these girls have been. I just hope my son learns quickly that all that glitters is NOT gold!
February 10, 2021 at 7:13 pmLisa, Casey, Barrett Dog
The kiddos are 32, 30, and 21 and I’m not sure how we made it through the “teen” years. Lisa’s daughter has a 14-year-old and she’s learning how hard it can be!!
February 10, 2021 at 6:57 pmMorayma
It really is a wonder how we survive all this as parents haha!! The teens years are intense!
February 10, 2021 at 7:07 pmEmi Sorensen
Your post hit my heart to its core! I am a mom of three boys (8,5,1) who is REALLY trying to live in the moment and flow with the difficulties. It’s so easy to want to move onto the next phase when the days are hard. But I don’t want these beautiful, magical , fleeting moments of having young kiddos escape me. So deep breaths and reading great posts like this to the rescue!
February 10, 2021 at 8:30 pmMorayma
Ah thank you so much! 🙂 It always makes me so happy when another mama relates to what I’ve written. Your boys are at such sweet ages, although I do remember the challenges from back then too haha!! My boy is 16 and ohhh my goodness. He still loves his mama but he challenges me every minute of the day. Lots of deep breaths for sure! 🙂
February 13, 2021 at 7:04 pmMaria Gustafsson
Sounds like you’re doing a great job, even though it’s super difficult. Remember teenagers literally lose their minds during this insanely hormonal age. Normality eventually returns.
February 11, 2021 at 6:06 amMorayma
Thank you, Maria! I’m trying….losing my mind in the process lol! I cannot wait for normality to return. The hormonal stage is something else…wow!!
February 13, 2021 at 7:05 pmMarianne
I have just hit round two of the teen years (my oldest two are in their 20’s), and its promising to be just as much “fun” as the first go !
February 11, 2021 at 4:40 pmMorayma
Ah bless you for surviving the first round! 🙂 The “fun” never ends does it?? Haha….I have to laugh sometimes….it really is such a crazy emotional rollercoaster dealing with teens!
February 13, 2021 at 7:07 pmMissKorang
I dont know how I’ll make it through my kids’ teen years but one is is for certain I won’t degrade and belittle them like my mother did me.
February 11, 2021 at 10:29 pmMorayma
Hang in there, mama!! My mom was like that with me as well, so I do everything in my power to raise my kids differently. It’s hard not to have a great role model in our mothers to pull from, but we will make it through! 🙂
February 13, 2021 at 7:08 pmCindy
My kids are grown and we got through the teen years! It was the hardest stage. And yet there were amazing moments too. And now…my grandchildren are entering their teens!
February 12, 2021 at 2:56 amMorayma
I love hearing that it’s possible to make it through the teen years in one piece (or at least kind of one piece haha!). There really are some great moments…and I have to remind myself that all this hard work as a mama will pay off someday. 🙂
February 13, 2021 at 7:09 pmBarbara
Parenting…the only job with the BIGGEST REWARDS that are the most PAINFUL, UNPAID, UNAPPRECIATED (in the moment) to endure. My boys are my greatest joy and I am so proud of them! However, I constantly feel like an underachiever at parenting. I always feel like I need to do a better job…where is the manual of instructions? 🙂
February 12, 2021 at 1:29 pmMorayma
You are spot on about all of it!! ….and if you ever find the instruction manual, please let me know haha!! 🙂
February 13, 2021 at 7:11 pmSuz |
Ah, I feel ya! My girls are all grown up, thankfully. It was definitely touch and go for awhile, there. Your ability to see or feel humor throughout this will go a long way…
February 14, 2021 at 3:41 amMorayma
Thank you so much, Suz!! I really appreciate your vote of confidence especially since you’re a mama that has been there done that! 🙂
February 17, 2021 at 3:46 amMelissa Jones
This is great!! I’m a clinical psychologist and I feel like I’ve been able to lessen the blow of teen attitude….but in NO WAY avoid it! My youngest is now 17 and I promise it all goes fast and we all live through it!
February 14, 2021 at 4:21 pmMorayma
Thank you, Melissa! The crazy teen attitude is probably unavoidable…aahhh!!! I appreciate your vote of confidence that we will all survive this! 🙂
February 17, 2021 at 3:45 amDaniele
Morayma my friend, I read with the usual pleasure your posts always fuul of wisdom, intelligence and a hint of sarcasm…
March 19, 2021 at 6:45 pmAnd i read all the comments below also…all by mothers…I’m unsure if I have the right to write something…
The first thing that comes in my mind is that almost every teen is behaving the same, more or less, but then every family has its own path of growth and education …of course I talk about kids living in a healthy environment, you know no violence, no abuse or things of the sort.
What I think is that they have you in top respect and exteem, and that’s why they are trying to put you down…they are eager to show you they can be like you…that they can fly with their own wings…and you did an excellent job letting they walk on their own feet, as we say…
As for me, mine are no teens anymorefor a long time, as you know, and let me tell you that for me has been an incredible, beautiful , stimulating journey…I might have done some mistakes, but if I did , it was out of my unlimited, unconditional love…
Looks like yesterday when I taught them how to drive, how to play sports ( tennis mostly ) how to behave…
Of course , parenting for me, has been a piece of cake, because we were two of us, because we ‘ve been lucky, but let me say that parenting has been for me the best part of my life, and I’m so happy that today, day after day, I managed to build a strong relationship between me and them…possibly my best achievement
You will reap the harvest you have sown very soon my friend, and I swear this will be an unbearable joy for you, as it was for me
Never forget you are a spectacular amazing woman, and you did it alone, without support
God bless you Morayma
Sending all my love
Thank you so much for these lovely sentiments and of course you are always welcome to write your perspective as a father amongst mothers! I love to hear your journey with your children and it gives me hope for the future. This is an incredibly difficult yet beautiful job we have been blessed with…although some days it exhausts and perplexes me more than I can describe! Much love to you and your family, my friend! xo
March 20, 2021 at 12:48 amDianne
Hi Morayma, I usually don’t leave a comment but this book is great. I read it when my son was 11 to prepare for the onslaught of teenage years….maybe you have heard of it Yes, your teen is crazy by Michael J. Bradley, Ed. D. Enjoy!
April 18, 2021 at 12:50 amMorayma
Hi Dianne! One of my good friends from college just sent me that book! I can’t wait to read it! 🙂
April 23, 2021 at 10:05 pm