I always love a clean smelling home (who doesn’t?!) and once fall rolls around every year I feel an even bigger push to have my place smell cozy and inviting. As the leaves turn and the air starts smelling and feeling crisp…yes even in my corner of the Southwest…I start getting excited about the new and old favorite scents I get to start using again.
I might as well admit that I love smelling good myself….so let’s throw that in there for good measure because the scents I use in my home are also safe enough to use topically. Multi-purpose items are my jam…always!
As many of you already know, a few years back I discovered the benefits of essential oils for immune support and skin care. At that time I used them therapeutically and preventatively, but hadn’t yet really started incorporating oils into my “Wow, your house smells amazing!” routine. I also hadn’t really taken the time to use them for my own self-care. It was all about the kids then…but now that they are older I am giving myself the grace to focus on every little aspect of holistic self-care I can fit into those random pockets of time we working moms have.
Now, when I start researching which scents I want to fill my home with, I also make sure to find out which of those scents can help me relax and breathe a little easier. I can tell you that anything synthetic like the plug-ins you can buy at any major retailer will fill your home, and your lungs, with carcinogens and other toxins. Not worth the whiff.
Candles can also add to the toxin load of your home, so it’s always worth finding ones that are made with pure essential oils rather than lab created smells. You don’t want your house to smell like Cinnamon Buns with a side of endocrine disruptors, right?
Same goes for perfumes, to be honest. That last one is a hard one to accept, I know. I do love Mugler and Issey Miyake…but since I am realistically holistic, I save those for special occasions and stick to my natural scents for every day use. Moderation is always a good thing, like my grandma used to say!
So, let’s get back to healing scents and why they make sense….essential oils, as I’ve written about before, can be super beneficial for immune support, relaxation, stress reduction, can help reduce nausea, improve sleep quality, assist in clearing the sinuses, increase focus, reduce anxiety, diminish headaches, and so much more. All while smelling incredible! They can be used in diffusers or topically. I love using them both ways, because the beauty with natural essential oils is that the scent is never overpowering. I love that my home can smell like a spa or a forest or a garden in Provence….and double bonus if I get to smell the same way!
While I have my favorites that I use on a regular basis, I’m always on the look out for new oils and blends to add to my “shelf of good smells”. I’m a huge fan of lavender, Thieves blend, peppermint, rosemary, chamomile, vetiver, cinnamon with clove, and anything citrus. Lately, I’ve been using three gorgeous blends by Adora Modern Alchemist. Adora reached out to me not long ago to introduce me to some of her healing scents and it’s as if she knew exactly what I needed….the Elixirs for Quantum Living. These oils blends are Mood, Energy, and Sleep. Believe me when I say these oils are EXACTLY what this tired mom of teens needed!
What makes Adora’s oil elixirs different from the other oils is that they’re infused with nanopartical CBD and vibrational infusions. They are delicately scented and I find myself using Energy throughout the day, Mood when the kids are home (lord, help me), and Sleep…well, obviously when I go to bed! They come in roller bottles that I can take with me anywhere, and I find them so soothing and therapeutic that I wish I could use them in my diffusers around the house!
Adora is a lovely and enlightened human who has committed herself to learning, creating, and teaching about plant and vibrational medicine. This ancient wisdom and form of healing has always fascinated me as my roots on both sides of my family are steeped deeply in folk tradition. I have seen the benefits of aromatherapy and essential oils firsthand in my children and myself, and love filling my home with products like these. If I can have my surroundings smell beautifully while also aiding in my overall wellness and mood….why not? If I can substitute chemically laden perfumes and home-scents with something natural….I will chose that every single time. Believe me, mama needs products that work well, can multi-task as much as she does, and keep my mood balanced. Better than coffee….and that means A LOT when I say it! 😉
If you’d like to learn more about these new essential oil elixirs head on over to: Adora Modern Alchemist and may your home… and body… smell as good as mine do! 😉

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**header photo by Olga Tutunaro @unsplash