Thanksgiving is wrapped up and over, so now we’re hurtling towards Christmas. No better time to discuss stress because lord knows most of us are no strangers to it during the holidays (or really all year long to be honest…).
Whether it’s discussing politics or current events at the holiday dinner table, mad shopping sprees, managing crazy relatives, or kids all of a sudden having 50 holiday parties and events to go to back to back….stress is a MAJOR part of the holidays. I know it is for me and I definitely feel it.
Add in the fact that the world has all of a sudden taken on some sort of 3 ring circus/7 levels of hell identity, and well…all of a sudden we’re swimming in cortisol. Am I right?…and just in case you’re not one hundred percent sure what cortisol is or what it does and why stress impacts it….let’s talk about it a little.
Cortisol is a steroid hormone that is produced in our adrenal glands and regulates a pretty wide range of processes throughout our bodies. Some of these processes include managing our metabolism, enhancing how our brains use glucose, reducing inflammation, keeping your heart and blood vessels functioning optimally, and supporting immune responses. It also plays a really important role in helping our bodies respond to stress. So, it sounds like a good thing, right? It can be….but too much cortisol can derail you in pretty nasty ways.
Our bodies can typically adjust the amount of cortisol we need during normal day to day actives and stressors. The problem is, if we are caught in a cycle of constant stress our bodies end up stuck in fight or flight mode and cortisol levels grow out of whack. Too much cortisol production can then lead to anxiety, depression, insomnia, digestive issues, headaches, cognitive issues, heart problems, and even weight gain. Cortisol levels that stay high long-term can also lead to diabetes, osteoporosis, high blood pressure, heart disease, menstrual issues, and other chronic conditions.
Now, before I stress you out even more than you may already be with the realization that stress can basically make you very unhealthy (no big surprise there)….there ARE ways that you can help balance cortisol. Stress may make you feel completely out of control, but the truth is….we really can take small steps both mentally and physically to get ourselves back under control. At least somewhat!
I won’t tell you to avoid stress because that’s just unrealistic and one of my biggest pet peeves. It’s like a script every doctor I’ve ever seen has memorized. “Are you stressed?” Um…yeah. I’m alive therefore I am stressed. Also I’m a mom….so enough said. “Well then try to avoid stress.” Ok Doc…you paying for my one way ticket to a hammock on a beach in Phuket?
What I will tell you is that your health is THE MOST IMPORTANT THING EVER and if you can take a few minutes a day to breathe deeply then do it. Every baby step towards reducing stress is major. Box breathing, getting enough sleep, eating healthy, exercising regularly (even if this just means taking a walk every day), meditating, enjoying a hobby or a good book, taking a relaxing bath, connecting with a friend, writing in a journal….ALL of these things work so well in helping you reduce your stress levels which in turn keep your cortisol levels where they need to be.
I often find that it helps to write in my planner (yeah I still use an old school paper one) one mindfulness activity per day. It’s the best way I find to make sure I stick with those few minutes of self care and stress reduction. I also like to prep myself when I know things are about to get hairy (like the holidays) by taking supplements that help my body keep its cortisol levels balanced and well managed. One of these supplements is Cortisol Balancer by Dr. Nigma Talib, a well-respected Naturopathic doctor based out of Los Angeles.
Cortisol Balancer is made with adaptogens like Ashwaganda, Magnolia bark extract, and Epimedium. Adaptogens are key to helping your body handle stress and keep cortisol levels balanced. I find that when I add this supplement to my diet during particularly stressful events (which can be often ugh!) I do feel more balanced and able to focus on what I need to do to work my way out of that fight or flight drive. I kind of feel like it should be mandatory to have a bottle of this stuff on hand during EVERY holiday interaction…and PTA meeting….and actually can we just give this to every mom before she exits the delivery room?!
So, to wrap this all up as neatly as a Christmas gift….stress sucks. Chronic stress can lead to higher than normal cortisol levels. Higher than normal cortisol levels can be damaging to your overall health and wellbeing. It may be impossible to live a stress-free life, and there are definitely some occasions far more stressful than others….BUT….we can do little things every day to help our bodies and minds handle stress in a healthier way. We can also make sure to have a high quality adaptogen blend like Cortisol Balancer on hand to really help keep things balanced…..and we can hope and pray for a happier easier New Year. 😉
(I do want to quickly add that if you find yourself completely overwhelmed and unable to process stress or any other difficult emotion, please reach out to a loved one or a mental health professional. Life can sometimes get to a level of stressful that needs immediate attention and getting that help is beyond important. We all need a helping hand once in a while. xo)

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**header photo by Mikhail Nilov @pexels