It’s been a while since I’ve had a moment to sit and write one of my random musings. I have a long list of them that I want to write, but some of those musings may never see the light of day. Not sure how to deliver them after the past two years….it seems so little is read with care and true tolerance any more. So, I stick to what’s easy….not that today’s topic is a cake walk….but it’s what I felt compelled to ruminate on via my keyboard so here we go…
That’s what I want to write about today.
Aging and the often impossible dance we have with embracing it.
I was moved to write about this after being reminded that not too long ago someone I used to know quite well decided to tell my daughter that they bet I wished I was in my 20s because I was starting to get old. I don’t know what bothered me more….the ridiculousness of the assumption or the fact that they felt the need to say that to my girl. Imagine what a message that sent her. Come on.
…and while yes I absolutely LOVED my 20s (they were quite possibly the best years of my life)….I honestly have no desire to be in my 20s now. I grew up in the late 70’s, 80’s and 90’s and had my glory days in the early 2000’s. Those were the best of decades and the best of times. Bar none. My Gen X membership card is carried with pride. I would not want to be a young adult now. I’m not a fan of the way the world has turned out.
So no….I don’t wish I was younger. I do think a lot about aging though.
Next month I’ll be a year older. One year closer to my 5th decade on this earth and I often struggle with believing it. I was just graduating from high school yesterday. I was just graduating from college yesterday. I was just traveling the world as a young, wide-eyed model-girl yesterday.
Just yesterday. No?
I am mother to two teenagers on the brink of walking out into the wide world and doing, and hopefully seeing, all the amazing things I got to experience. All the corners of the world I lay foot on. The sights, the smells, the tastes, the people. Life.
I sit here feeling the impossibility of somehow quantum leaping from age 21 to 47 and not truly understanding how that happened.
….and yet I’m ok with it.
I won’t lie and say that looking in the mirror and seeing changes as I age is easy…one more line, one more gray hair, less fullness in the face….once I put my glasses on of course (I think the Universe has us lose our perfect vision as we age in order to give us merciful glances of “oh hey I don’t look so bad” when we look in the mirror without our spectacles).
I have serums, oils, potions, lotions, scrubs, and face tools to preserve the integrity of my face. I eat healthily, take supplements, and work out daily to preserve the integrity of my body (inside and out of course!) I dye my grays back to brown because I have not yet learned to accept my inner Cruella DeVille. I like to think of this as maintenance rather than denial.
I do aim to face aging headlong and with as much grace as possible.
…..but I won’t deny it.
As a woman, the aging process has always been rather brutal and unfair. While men become more interesting, rugged, and handsome as they age….we women have long been expected to remain Lolitas….and how sick is that if you think about it?
I worked in the modeling industry for 15 years in total and never aged more than 5 years within that time. Meaning, that in order to remain bookable I was marketed as being anywhere from 18-21 well into my mid 30’s. It was believable because I never looked my age. I was shooting teen magazines with Russian 15 year old models when I was 25. This was and still is par for the course in the industry although there is more inclusivity now…but not enough.
Social media has made it worse because we women are faced with a 24 hour barrage of insta-models to compare ourselves to. It’s not so much being compared to actual agency represented models in magazines as it is being compared to the impossible because, well, filters….now we have basically cartoons to live up to? Nah. This is not for me.
I want to be proactive in my aging gracefully….but I don’t envy youth and I don’t envy the young girls who feel like they can’t post a picture without a crazy doe-eyed, freckled, Jolie-lipped filter. I feel like all of that falls into a mental health category we can discuss later.
I do envy time…or the abundance of it (although I do know that youth is not a promise of time…but you catch my drift). Although I have lived, done and seen more than most because I was incredibly blessed to work and travel for so many years….I feel the impulse for more. I feel the desire to re-do so many things.
I also feel like I am not in the place, career-wise and financially, that I had always envisioned I would be in at my age.
I work on acceptance every day.
I don’t mind growing older. I feel very strongly that aging is a privilege and we need to understand it as such. I do also see how hard it is to get past the youth obsession so prevalent in society….and to feel comfortable in your skin as it softens and begins to show the roadmap of your life. As women, we need to somehow learn to feel attractive as we age…because there is so much beauty in wisdom and experience. A beauty that cannot be bought unlike all that skin deep stuff.
A beauty that, in essence, grows…while all the other stuff inevitably fades away.
I loved being younger….because of the time in history I got to enjoy, the people I was surrounded with, and the experiences that I had (blessedly outside of a smartphone camera lens). I would not want to be younger now.
I would just love the insouciance of not being reminded of my own mortality….I think once you lose a parent this becomes very much ingrained in your psyche and impossible to shake. I do miss that “sky’s the limit and I have forever to get there” bravado of my younger years. I would also love a few less aches, snaps, crackles, and pops every time I get up in the morning.
I’m learning (not so easy) to embrace the physical changes I see and feel. I know there are more coming.
I’m ready.
I also have Frankincense and Advil. 😉

**As an affiliate, I make a small portion of some of the sales made via some of the links in my blog.
Mitch Mitchell
The aging mentality is interesting. I never got comfortable with it until I was getting close to 50… at which point I realized I’d make it through the first 2/3rds of my lifespan and that from that point on life was going to be ‘real’ as opposed to opportunistic. Turns out I had a bit of both in that time period, and the only thing I actually lament is that I never got, or will get, the opportunity to play with a lot of babies and watch them grow up. At least that’s something you get to look forward to for a second round. 🙂
April 20, 2022 at 2:08 pmMorayma
It is interesting, isn’t it?! There is such a push to “stay young” too that I think it makes it harder to come to terms with…not to mention the fact that time really does fly and catches us off guard in the process. I wonder if there is an organization (there should be!) similar to Big Brothers Big Sisters but that would allow for fatherly and grandfatherly figures to mentor little ones or just be around once in a while. I think you’d be amazing at that…you have so much wisdom to impart and stories to tell! As for me, you’re right…if my kids decide to have kids…seems a lot of young people are opting out of parenthood (sometimes can’t blame them with the world the way it is…but we can hope the pendulum swings back to a better sense of normalcy and decency for them). 🙂
April 21, 2022 at 6:47 pmTrisha
Preach on! I turned 40 last year and while I’m still embracing aging a little more each day, no way would I want to go back to my youth. Like you said, it’s a privilege to grow older. Many people don’t get that opportunity.
March 14, 2023 at 6:08 pmMorayma
Welcome to the 4th decade!! 🙂 It can be tough to embrace the aging process, and honestly there are days I have to really remind myself to do so (especially with all the new and random aches and pains lol!)….but it really is a privilege and the 40s are pretty great!
March 16, 2023 at 8:23 pmKaren
Your reflections on embracing age is so timely for me. My younger sister passed away unexpectedly last week – only 52. And I stress “only.” While that age seemed old to me once upon a time, I agree that growing old is a privilege and one that we should honor with grace, acceptance, patience, love, and passion. My grandmother lived to be a very active 94-year-young woman. She is my inspiration to be more accepting of my fine lines, white hair, and the realization that I really do need my readers.
March 15, 2023 at 5:38 amMorayma
Thank you so much for this comment, and I am so sorry to hear about your sister’s passing. Sending you thoughts of peace and grace. Aging truly is such a privilege…the privilege of one more day. Your grandmother truly sounds like an inspiration and I want to grow up to be like that! (Let’s not get started on the readers…oy lol!! I still really resent having to wear mine!) 🙂
March 16, 2023 at 8:24 pmSuzan
Embracing aging can be a struggle for sure. The odds are stacked against us with the unrealistic expectations that surround us. Personally, I look at the plastic world we live in (no thank you) and stand firm in the belief that I’ve earned every single line, gray hair, and sag.
March 15, 2023 at 2:21 pmMorayma
Such a struggle and social media has made it even more difficult….I do worry about the generations that are growing up with this in their faces from such young ages. Thankfully, at least we grew up without this crazy push to stay forever young. It’s crazy to me that girls in their 20s are already getting Botox! Lines and wrinkles and gray hairs are signs that we have laughed and cried and lived. (My gray hairs are definitely a tribute to motherhood though haha!).
March 16, 2023 at 8:26 pmStacey Billingsley
We are the same age, and it’s only been in the past couple of years that I even thought about aging that much. I had to get bifocals. I see lines on my forehead. I’ve lost some weight, and now I’m extra saggy. But you know, I am in my favorite decade of life, so far. I love the freedom I have as my kids get older. I’m staring at retirement, and I’m looking forward to it. So much gets better with time. I guess I miss my youth sometimes like everyone else, but I wouldn’t trade it for now. And I’m excited for what’s to come!
March 15, 2023 at 5:21 pmMorayma
I love your take on aging and I agree that the 40s are great! The sense of wisdom and not caring so much about what the world thinks is really freeing. I talk to my daughter (16) and her friends and even people in their 20s and that angst of “what everyone thinks” of them is not something I ever want to feel again….I do think it is so much worse for them with social media. Grateful we didn’t grow up with any of that! It was amazing to grow up in the 80s and 90s! 🙂
March 16, 2023 at 8:29 pmLisa
I like all the different you tube videos you have made on just being healthy and embracing life changes as they come. Aging is part of life and doing it gracefully is the goal!
March 15, 2023 at 7:45 pmMorayma
Thank you so much! 🙂 Aging gracefully is the best goal!
March 16, 2023 at 8:30 pmJennifer
I suppose I didn’t really think about embracing age. As a single parent, I worked with disabilities and chronic illnesses juggling medical appointments so I could keep working to support my kids. Then, the Grandkids were born which for me is the reward of aging.
March 16, 2023 at 2:49 amMorayma
You are a super mama! I hope you enjoy every moment with the grandbabies…what a blessing! 🙂
March 16, 2023 at 8:31 pmSandi
I love your story. With each decade we need to take a deep breath and embrace aging – otherwise the alternative is not so great.
March 16, 2023 at 1:38 pmMorayma
Thank you so much! 🙂 Very true…a deep breath is so important to take and remember where we are in life and how lucky we are to get another decade.
March 16, 2023 at 8:31 pmJulie Gazdecki
So much of this I can relate to. I am embracing age by not really thinking about the number too much. I base it mostly on how I feel. Therefore I’m focusing on my health, and being able to physically be active for as long as possible. I carry my GenX card with pride, and social media makes it even more tough on those who use it for business. Being just a t-shirt, beer drinking, casual woman….it’s not as aesthetically pleasing to the audience. But I’m ok with that.
March 17, 2023 at 3:15 pmMorayma
I love that….just basing it on how you feel instead of the number. That’s the perfect approach! Generation X for the win! I feel so lucky to be a part of what I (humbly lol) think was the best generation ever! 🙂
March 19, 2023 at 12:17 amCindy
These are such honest reflections on aging. It’s a complicated journey! I actually love where I am currently. But there’s no stopping here to bask in it for a while. I’m helping to care for my parents and I witness their struggles. It motivates me to take excellent care of myself.
March 20, 2023 at 3:02 amMorayma
Thank you so much, Cindy! It truly is a complicated journey made even more so by the complicated world we live in. Bless you for caring for your parents and seeing aging with this perspective. My mother suffers from dementia and I lost my dad almost 6 years ago…witnessing our parents go through the struggles of aging is truly humbling. Our years, lives, and health are all so precious!
March 20, 2023 at 10:34 pmAmber
I abolsoutely loved this post – thank you for writing it. I am in my mid-thirties and I have been struggling with embracing my age. Thinking of my own mortality is tough. I lost a parent when they were at the age of 40 and it’s crazy to think that I could surpass the lifespan of my own parent soon. Sometimes I feel like that’s the cut off point for myself. I so love the statement that being alive and getting older is a privilege. And one that I am trying to embrace. Oh how lucky we are to be alive! 🙂
March 20, 2023 at 4:21 amMorayma
Aww, thank you so much! It means a lot when something I write resonates with someone! The thought of mortality is a heavy one…I try very hard to be in the moment, but once in a while those thoughts creep up…”I have less time”…it’s humbling for sure. I am so sorry you lost a parent so young…I can’t imagine how hard that must have been and can still be. You will surpass that age and so much more…lots and lots of chapters left to write for you! 🙂
March 20, 2023 at 10:36 pmLisa, Casey, Barrett Dog
Embracing age can be a challenge. One of us has a problem with years ending in 0 and is just fine with the in-between years.
March 21, 2023 at 10:43 pmMorayma
You’re right…it can definitely be a challenge! Those years ending in 0 can be daunting…get over that hurdle and then it’s easy going (kind of haha) until we hit the next year ending in 0! 🙂
March 22, 2023 at 12:16 amCatherine
I enjoyed reading this post. My husband and I are about 7 years apart. He is now in his mid-thirties and he does not embrace aging at all! I try to help him embrace life and enjoy every moment. We don’t know when it will be our last. Age is a sore subject in our home right now, but I hope at some point it will not be.
March 22, 2023 at 11:11 amMorayma
Thank you so much! Mid-thirties sounds so young to me now that I am getting close to 50! It’s great that you are helping him embrace life and enjoy all of the moments as they come. My husband is 6 years younger than me and he has a harder time getting older than I do…I always have to give him a hard time about that because I’ll be a senior citizen way before he is haha! Sorry to hear that aging has become a sore subject in your home…trust it will get better. I think focusing in the moment is the most helpful thing (I have to remind myself of this sometimes too because when I start thinking of mortality it can get really depressing.)
March 23, 2023 at 8:57 pm