
Holistic Mental Health.


Let’s talk about mental health. Anxiety and depression in particular.

There has never been a time more important than now to discuss every possible way we can help each other through the madness of living through a pandemic and everything else 2020 has done to throw us off kilter.

The closing of businesses, isolation from friends and family, overwhelming sense of dread, and the stressors of distance learning are taking its toll on more people than are willing to be vocal about it.

Every day I read another account online, or hear from a friend, or see in an email that a tween or teen has taken their life due to the overwhelm of living through all of this. It’s happening to adults too.

I see the impact of this year on my kids and on myself. None of us are immune to it. Some are just better at hiding it.

Since I started pushing this blog into the inter webs, I’ve have more than a few people reach out to me personally to ask if I have any holistic tips to help them with anxiety and depression.

I do.

I’m not a doctor, and I do believe that in extreme cases medication is necessary and helpful. I think therapy is important as well. However, I don’t think enough is being discussed when it comes to managing our health holistically, and even less when it comes to managing our mental health naturally.

So, I’ve decided to write about the things that I’m using in my home to help us manage stress and anxiety. Natural remedies that have been recommended to me by my group of holistic doctors and practitioners and which have a track record of supporting mood and our ability to cope with stress.

….so here we go….


Magnesium is just one more mineral we are typically deficient in. Our foods don’t give us enough of this good stuff because our soil is so depleted of most minerals in general, and our modern diets just don’t provide us with enough key minerals anyways. Unless you’re eating organ meats and seafood regularly, then supplementation is key especially if you suffer from anxiety.

Magnesium has been studied for decades when it comes to anxiety and depression showing that it can suppress the ability of the hippocampus to stimulate the release of stress hormones as well as can act at the blood brain barrier to prevent the entrance of stress hormones into the brain. That’s pretty incredible, right? The more you know…

Multiple studies have also shown that administering magnesium can help effectively treat anxiety and depression in people with traumatic brain injuries. Magnesium citrate and magnesium glycinate are the two forms that are considered the most beneficial and I’ll pop the brand I use at the bottom of this post. Magnesium is also great for reducing PMS symptoms…and then of course you get the added benefit of stronger bones. We use this stuff daily.


This is a fantastic adaptogenic herb that has been used in Ayurvedic medicine for centuries to treat stress, anxiety, depression, immune function, and brain function. Modern studies have shown that Ashwaganda can dramatically and effectively reduce cortisol levels in chronically stressed adults.

In one study, Ashwaganda was administered to a group of 64 people undergoing chronic stress over 60 days. Almost 70% of the test subjects had a noticeable reduction in both their anxiety levels as well as their insomnia.

Other studies have shown remarkable benefits of using this herb for people with Parkinson’s Disease, various neurological disorders, and extreme forms of anxiety like agoraphobia. As an added benefit, Ashwaganda has also shown beneficial when used for hair loss and infertility (both of which can result from high stress as well). I was given the green light to give my 13 year old a daily dose of this amazing herb to help her with distance learning anxiety…and you know I’m taking it too!

(Lord knows all of us parents dealing with kids at home 24/7 with distance learning need more than just wine at this point ha!!)

Holy Basil

This little herb was recommended to me by a friend shortly after my dad passed away. I was a wreck and she told me that Holy Basil had helped her tremendously when she was going through a rough patch. I cleared it with my integrative doctor and took it with very positive results. I’ve recently started taking it again. Because 2020.

Holy Basil, also knowns as Tulsi, is also an adaptogenic herb like Ashwaganda. Adaptogens, by the way, are non-toxic herbs that help your body deal with chemical, physical, biological, and environmental stressors. Holy Basil has a strong history of research backing up its efficacy for treating anxiety, sleeplessness, and for having an overall calming effect.

How does Holy Basil do that? By naturally lowering cortisol levels and normalizing the stress response in your body over time. This is one you want to take on a regular basis when going through stress. It won’t give you an instant calm, but will help level you out with consistent use. Holy Basil is also effective for stabilizing blood glucose levels. You’ve got to love that all of these natural remedies are as multitasking as we are!


These are a staple at my house. Probiotics are an every day, year round health booster for my family…and no you can’t get enough just from eating yogurt! Fermented foods are a great source of this stuff…but again, unless you’re eating a very consistent and balanced diet that includes fermented foods then a supplement is your best friend.

Most doctors, sadly, don’t know much about nutrition and rarely will tell you how important probiotics are for your immune system and your mental health. Our gut micro biome is connected to everything. All of it. Healthy gut means healthier immune system, and healthier gut also means lower incidences of anxiety and depression. As a matter of fact, there have been studies showing that people who suffer from IBS tend to suffer from higher levels of anxiety and depression.

So how can our gut affect our mood? Well, our gastrointestinal system sends messages to our nervous system. When one is out of whack…so will the other be. There are still studies and plenty of research being done to show how probiotics can help with this GI/neuro dance, but it’s one small thing you can do to keep yourself feeling whole and well before all the studies hit “publish”. Heck, if you can regulate your bowels…that alone will remove at least a little portion of your angst, right?

So, there it is….my tiny little holistic arsenal for helping my family and myself better deal with anxiety and stress. None of it is a magic cure. To be honest, there is no magic cure for mental health…but if you can do a few natural things to help stay within a better balance, then it’s worth trying.

Don’t forget that exercise, a healthy diet, practicing mindfulness, and self-care are also essential to staying as mentally healthy as possible. If you have any out of control feelings then please do seek professional help immediately.

….and find yourself a great integrative doctor that understands both allopathic and natural medicine. Your body and mind will thank you eternally! I’m never going to stop bugging you all about this!

header photo by Simon Berger @unsplash

**As an affiliate, I make a small portion of every sale made via links on my blog.

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  • Debbie

    Great Ideas! I love how you present ideas! Thank you for sharing!

    January 12, 2021 at 4:44 am Reply
    • Morayma

      Thank you, Debbie!

      January 12, 2021 at 11:04 pm Reply

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