In the three years I’ve had this blog, I’ve been asked at least a dozen times to write a piece on CBD and all of its wondrous benefits. While I’ve truly intended to, life and other health tips have gotten in the way…plus CBD wasn’t on the top of my supplement go-to’s. I already had enough great stuff that worked for me, but then pandemic life rolled around, my anxiety levels rose accordingly, and I decided it was time to see what CBD could do for me.
So, without further ado….and thank you all for waiting so long!!… is my take on the ever popular CBD along with recommendations of some of my favorite cannabinoid products!
I will preface this quickly by saying that I was never one to pass the dutchie. No judgment at all, but it’s just never been my thing. So, I’ll only be talking about non THC containing products since that’s all I’ve tried. (insert angel wings and halo here).
Now, why the hype over CBD? Let me fill you in….
CBD, or cannabidiol, is one of the more than 100 chemical compounds called cannabinoids that can be found in the the Cannabis Sativa plant. CBD is not psychoactive, unlike THC, and is extracted from the plant and then diluted with a carrier oil (like coconut, vegetable, almond, hemp or olive oils). The CBD is then bottled or added to anything from gummies to skincare products, and so much more.
Although this seems like the new viral, all the rage, on-trend supplement, the truth is that CBD has been used for a very long time…some say it is one of the oldest forms of plant medicines to have been used in Central Asia. We also know from a quick hop on the research train, that CBD has been used successfully to help with things like pain management, anxiety, insomnia, cardiological and neurological health as well as has been shown to be helpful for people undergoing certain cancer treatments. CBD is also emerging as an effective skincare ingredient….and even more recently there has been talk about how it can help inhibit SARS Covi-2 viral replication. Lots of good stuff here!
I decided to give CBD a try after remembering how well it had worked for my dog after he injured his back a few years ago. A good friend of mine had sent me a bottle of CBD oil specially formulated for canines, and while he was already on the vet’s meds I wanted to help him with something more natural. The CBD oil markedly helped him with his pain and to regain his appetite….none of which the prescriptions had really aided him with. This led me to look further into other alternative ways of helping him, and with Chinese herbs, acupuncture, and cold laser therapy my almost crippled pup regained his health and we avoided a $20,000 surgery. Ok, so the CBD didn’t do much other than help with the pain and tummy issues…but it did inspire me to look outside of the box for him so….hallelujah!
After that, the few years pre-pandemic found me struggling with a lot of major life events and once 2020 hit I found myself wracking my brain on what I could do to alleviate my own chronic back pain and anxiety (with bouts of insomnia). I knew that if the CBD oil could have such a positive effect on my four legged best friend, it might, just might at the very least take the edge off of things for me too.
It did.
I took my time to research a few solid brands and found CBD products that would be effective for helping me feel centered, sleep better, and even have a little boost of energy when coffee just wasn’t enough. I wanted brands that had minimal ingredients, contained full spectrum CBD, and that were made in the USA. I found quite a few brands that fit all of my must-haves, but some of them had an unpleasant aftertaste, or had just a little too much sugar for my liking. So, if you’re in the market for CBD and don’t want to experiment with a bunch of different brands like I did…maybe you’ll like some of my favorites too!
KEONI: This brand has a great range of CBD supplements that I have really come to like. Their Sleep Gummis are made with melatonin, lemon balm, chamomile, and of course CBD! Their Energy Gummis are formulated with guarana, zinc, CBD and green tea, and their Full Spectrum Hemp Gummis have 1000mg of CBD per serving and I find these to really help when my back pain creeps back up. They also have a highly effective and fast working Pain Relief Spray that works wonders on my stress induced back bain! Find them at: KEONI CBD
HIGH HEMP: Another brand I really like with super tasty CBD Gummis that are 100% vegan, and a powerful CBD tincture for when you just don’t want to chew your CBD! Find them at: HIGH HEMP CBD
MANTRA MASK: Prior to using Mantra Mask’s Hemp CBD Coconut Eyegels with Lavender, I hadn’t thought much about using CBD as part of my skincare routine. Now, I’m hooked. These under eye masks take me from tired to “still tired but at least I don’t look it!” in minutes with their proprietary blend of nano encapsulated CBD, caffeine, hyaluronic acid, and niacinamide. These are a beauty must-have for sure. Find them at: MANTRA MASK
I like having some of these CBD goodies on hand in case anxiety decides to pay a visit, or if I’ve had a particularly tough workout (recovery ain’t the same past age 40!), or even if I re-hurt my back by vacuuming the house with a little too much intensity (it happens, don’t judge me lol!), and of course if I start having rough sleep patterns. It helps me avoid taking Ibuprofen, and I always end up feeling better with zero side effects and the knowledge that I’m staying all-natural. The sleep masks just make me feel better because they effectively make me look better…and well, we all can’t say that looking well rested is a bad thing, right?
So, there you have it! Is CBD worth a try? I would humbly say yes….it definitely is!

**Header photo by Karolina Grabowska @pexels
**As an affiliate, I make a small portion of sales made from some of the links in my blog.