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    Frankly, My Dear: The Benefits of Frankincense Essential Oil


    Nothing is better than discovering that something you love has even more benefits to it than you originally knew about. Well, maybe there are some better things…but we can discuss those another day!

    So, what am I talking about here? Just a simple little essential oil that goes by the name of Frankincense. I’ve written about how much I love this oil for my skin, but I never really quite delved too much into it outside of it being a great beauty aide until recently.

    Over the past few months, I’ve had enough little red flags with my health to send me right back into my research rabbit hole. I wanted to be proactive with my health and see if I could stop things in their tracks, or, if at all possible, reset my immune system. Of course, there was tons of info out there, but what stood out to me was the fact that Frankincense essential oil kept popping up as beneficial for soooo many things!

    I’m maybe a little too excited to share about my new found knowledge, and not sure where to start….so maybe I’ll go back to basics and talk a little about what Frankincense actually is. Then I’ll tell you why it’s so great.

    For a lot of us, Frankincense is familiar only as one of the gifts brought to the baby Jesus by the Three Wise Men. At least, that’s all I really knew about it until my aunt gifted me with my own bottle of Frankincense. What it actually is, is the resin from Boswellia trees which are native to Northern Africa and the Middle East. Frankincense essential oil is distilled from this resin.

    Historically, this oil was used by priests, shamans, and healers for its anti-inflammatory, antiseptic, and rejuvenating properties. It was so widely used and revered that it earned itself the title of “Liquid Gold”. Now, thanks to more people becoming aware of traditional and alternative remedies, Frankincense essential oil is making a long overdue and very much deserved comeback.

    Since my love affair with this oil started by adding it to my skincare routine, I’ll give you a quick recap on what it can do for your skin. Adding a few drops of this oil to your moisturizer and even using it as a spot treatment has been shown to reduce fine lines and scars, inhibit the bacteria that leads to acne, and works as a powerful yet non irritating astringent. It’s basically the perfect remedy for beautiful, more youthful skin.

    The benefits don’t stop there! Studies have shown that the triterpinoids and anti carcinogenic properties of Frankincense essential oil can inhibit the growth of tumors and cancer cells. Due to its antiseptic nature, it can also be used to stop oral infections and prevent gingivitis, halitosis, and mouth sores. If indigestion is what ails you, a few drops of this oil might just be what the doctor should order! It works by accelerating the secretion of digestive enzymes, and relaxes the muscles in your digestive tract for effective relief of symptoms.

    The boswellic acids in Frankincense essential oil allow it to be one of nature’s most powerful anti-inflammatories, and it can work wonders on aching muscles and joints. More than one scientific study has shown that it actually suppresses the production of inflammatory molecules that often lead to chronic pain and conditions like arthritis and IBS. It’s also very beneficial for immune support and overall cellular turnover and renewal.

    Frankincense also functions as a natural sedative. It won’t knock you out, but when diffused it creates a sense of calm and is perfect for anyone with sleep issues. Its calming properties also help tone down the symptoms of conditions like hyperthyroidism. This is actually what inspired me to do a little more research on the oil…hence this blog post!

    For a couple of months I was started to feel like I might have the beginnings of an overactive thyroid triggered by prolonged stress. After consulting with my naturopath friend I decided to use the Frankincense oil that I already had on hand and massage a small amount on the base of my throat and on either side of my thyroid gland. Since I use a completely pure, food grade oil, I also took it orally by placing two drops under my tongue in the morning. On the third day of doing this, the nagging little symptoms that had started to develop had greatly diminished. Coincidence? Could be….but with all I’ve learned about this stuff…I don’t think so.

    Frankincense can be one of the more expensive oils, but it is so well worth it….I have loved it for my skin for over a year, and now I love it for so much more. Will I ever allow myself to run out of this ancient remedy? No way, not if I can help it!

    Want your own Frankincense oil? I can only honestly recommend Young Living as they are the sole essential oil company that promises purity from seed to seal, and harvesting of each plant at the optimal time in order to ensure complete efficacy. Young Living also carries the Vitality line of oils which is food grade and safe for ingestion. Order yours via the link at the end of this paragraph….and happy skin and health to you too! FRANKINCENSE ESSENTIAL OIL AND OTHER GOOD STUFF!

    *Disclosure: I’m not a doctor and cannot prescribe or diagnose anything to anyone. I am simply sharing what has worked for me and what I have learned (and continue to learn). As with anything, I recommend speaking with your healthcare provider before making any changes to your diet/health regimen. I do, however, highly recommend seeking the advice of integrative doctors who are trained in a wider range of medicine and treatments.

    *header photo by MoniCore @pixabay

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