Once again, I am completely befuddled by the fact that an entire year has gone by at what seems like lightening speed. I am convinced that we are living through some wrinkling of time that started around 2020…and now we’re stuck hurtling through time and space in something resembling the proverbial hand basket. Anyone else feel this?
…but anyway….whatever it is that is happening with time and its rapid passing, I’ve decided to stop wasting it dwelling on the things I can’t control and keep pushing forward with things that I can. I have a laundry list of stuff that I’m hoping to do this new year, so let me go ahead and write it into existence (since I have a little alone time this evening!).
The past year saw me taking another leap of faith and launching a small business with one of my good friends. I’ve been working as a corporate relocation consultant for the past six years, and combined with my own personal experiences moving and living around the globe, I thought it would be a great idea to create a way to share this knowledge with others. So, I reached out to my friend this past summer and asked if she’d like to join me on this new venture. She said yes, and we launched Get Ready. Set. MOVE! early fall.
Together we created a signature online relocation course and began contributing to our company’s blog and podcast. It’s been a lot of work (which is why I haven’t been posting as much as I was hoping on here), but I’m really proud of what we’ve created. For 2024 we are adding a few how-to guides and e-books to our offerings and plan to continue growing our little company allowing the sky to be our limit….so wish us luck!
Along with continuing to work on my relocation coaching business, I have decided to take this blog back into the direction I originally intended it to go in. Over the course of the past few years, my blog became more of a place where everyone could come to gain a little insight into healthy living and natural aging….but I somehow stopped writing the more personal stuff….my stories. I do still plan on sharing all of my favorite wellness info, but I feel very much compelled to get back to sharing about my life. Why? Because I feel that it’s important.
We live in a world steeped in falsity and plasticity. Social media has turned into a tool for comparison and the glorification of “fake”. I want to share my stories of REAL life. The good, the bad, the ugly…and the in-betweens…..because I know I am not alone in the ordeals that I go through, in the need to heal, in the joys and disappointments. I did write a bit last year on my attempts to come to terms with half-empty nesting. It felt good to write from the heart. I think we need more of that. I know I need more of that.
I’m still planning to write my dad’s biography in book form (it’s up on the inter webs in blog form….but he deserves better). I will continue sharing health, wellness, and skincare tips on YouTube. I am going to keep going with my mindset work as well. Maybe I’ll share about that here too.
I’ll still be working as a corporate relocation consultant and teaching my handful of homeschool students Spanish lessons online. I post every other Wednesday on my YouTube Channel as well, where I share all things wellness and natural aging/skincare. I clearly will continue to have many, many fires burning….but I am eager to learn how to manage my time better. Manage it in ways that allow me to breathe. I’m still figuring that out.
This is also the year I turn 50. I sometimes have a hard time coming to terms with that because that number seems SO BIG. I know that I don’t feel my age. I am told I don’t look it. Those things add to my confusion as to “how on earth did I get here so fast?!”. I swear I was just graduating college a few months ago, traveling the world as a model in her 20’s a few weeks ago, walking out of the VIP section of a nightclub in Miami at dawn with my best friends this past weekend. No? No.
I know that a year is just a year is just another year. Nothing special about the dates on a calendar….but WE can make things special (or not…whatever you feel you need to do). I won’t make a big deal out of this new year…but I will amplify my efforts to re-invent myself, get stronger, healthier, and overall better. I will find my voice again and tell my stories….without fear of who they may trigger or upset. I’m getting to old to care anyways, right?
If you’ve made it to the bottom of this post…thank you! I hope you’ll stick around because I’ll be documenting this year right here…and I hope to make it as un-boring as possible. 😉
Oh and….Happy New Year!

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