
Letting Thieves Into Your Home: Why We Love Thieves Essential Oil Blend

Thieves Essential Oil Blend

One of my absolute favorite holistic go-to remedies during cold and flu season is a special blend of essential oils that often goes by the name Thieves Oil.

This blend, which consists of clove, rosemary, eucalyptus, cinnamon and lemon essential oils, creates an effective and all-natural barrier to airborne pathogens, both viral and bacterial, and is arguably one of the best ways to make for an ironclad immune system.


The history behind Thieves Oil blends is fascinating and often bends towards folklore. The reason this essential oil blend is often called Thieves or 4 Thieves Oil is because it is said that during the Bubonic Plague in Europe a group of four men in Marseilles banded together to rob unsuspecting plague victims as they lay dying in their own homes. The mystery was that these men were able to come into contact with the diseased, infected corpses and their possessions but never got sick themselves.

These thieves had come up with a concoction of herbs and essential oils and spices that they used to douse themselves with before entering a quarantined home. Those oils and herbs created a barrier so that the thieves would be able to breathe without becoming infected. It is said that once the thieves were caught, they were forced by a judge to divulge their secret recipe which has been slightly altered over the years, yet remains incredibly effective.

If it sounds too good to be true, we need to remember that during times of epic pestilence in Europe, like the Bubonic Plague, doctors were able to administer to the sick without becoming ill themselves by donning long beaked masks that contained herbs, spices and essential oils that they would have to breathe through and which would destroy the pathogens in the air before making it into their airways.


To prove the effectiveness of this natural germ killer even further, Weber State University conducted a study in 1997 that showed that after only 10 minutes of the Thieves blend being diffused, 96% of pneumonia causing bacteria and 44% of staph bacteria were removed from the air.

This study along with other research has shown that, most viruses, molds, bacteria, and fungi can’t survive being in the presence of the high levels of carcacrol, phenols, terpines and thynol found in these essential oils. Blended together the synergistic effect is unsurpassed when it comes to boosting and protecting immune function.


There are several ways to use Thieves essential oil blends with my favorite being, diffusing the oil with some water in an essential oil diffuser. This will clear the air around you of harmful pathogens. Bonus points for the fact that the oil blend contains cinnamon, rosemary, lemon and cloves which leaves your house smelling like the holidays!

Diffusing the oil in a classroom, office and home will leave you protected round the clock. Another way I like to use this oil blend is by adding a few drops to a carrier oil such as olive or coconut oil and rubbing it on the soles of my feet and my children’s feet. It can also be rubbed into the chest and along the spine for maximum effectiveness.

Rather than using chemical laden antibacterial house cleaners, I love using the Thieves Cleaner Concentrate which cleans all surfaces safely while killing pathogens, and even keeps my bathroom free from mold (which previously was proving an almost impossible battle to win!).  You can find Thives oil and cleaner along with a bunch of other Thieves based products at my link below!  Worth every penny…trust me.


When choosing an oil make sure that you research the company and certify that you are getting an oil blend of optimal and purest quality.  Thieves Oil has been, by far, one of the most effective immune enhancers that I’ve ever used…and the track record for keeping people healthy is impressive.  As with any supplement, if you are prone to certain allergies be sure to talk to your health care practitioner to see if any of the oils in this blend may not be right for you.

If you want to know more about Thieves essential oil blend and which brand I have found to be the most pure, potent, and the only one I trust, please feel free to drop me a line in the contact section of this blog. I’ll be happy to help you let some Thieves into your home! Better yet, now you can find Thieves Oil right here! (scroll down to the essential oils blends section and arrow over til you find Thieves!) 🙂http://www.myyl.com/morayma310

header photo by Mareefe at Pexels

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  • Paula

    Thieves is my go to for just about anything. Being a preschool teacher I’m surrounded by lots of germs, but Thieves has kept me healthy. The minute I suspect I might be comming down with a cold, I start my Thieves protocol. It works!

    March 11, 2018 at 2:00 am Reply
  • Morayma

    So glad you love this amazing essential oil blend too! It’s been a lifesaver year after year. Definitely a staple in my home! 🙂

    March 11, 2018 at 6:20 am Reply
  • Jacquie

    Morayma- I am so loving your blog!! Congrats once again:) I would love to know which brand you recommend. I’ve never heard of this oil, but would be a great item to add to my arsenal.

    March 23, 2018 at 2:02 am Reply
    • Morayma

      Thank you so much!! You just made my day! 🙂 I’ll text you with the brand that I use….lots of trial and error until I found something that works amazingly well and is 100% pure! Paul uses it now too haha!

      March 23, 2018 at 2:56 am Reply
  • Back To…..Germs? – Adulthood Rewired

    […] in Thieves and why it works, I’ll have you head on over to another of my earlier blog posts, Letting Thieves Into Your Home.  It’s a good one! Thieves oil works synergistically with your body to help it ward off […]

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