There are a lot of things that led me here.
I think adulthood has taken most, if not all, of us by surprise. No handbook, no owner’s manual, just words of caution from our elders. That’s all we had growing up to prepare us for this journey into the adult-hood. For some it’s been a fairly easy ride, for others not so much. I guess I find myself somewhere in the middle.
Sometimes I look back and think that I entered adulthood as a child. I always felt responsible for taking care of my mother’s wellbeing, and it matured me far too soon. But that is a story for another day.
It wasn’t until I graduated from college and given the chance to travel the world as a fashion model that I got to experience my youth. Although life as a traveling model was actual hard work, it was not rocket science, and it afforded me a few extra years of insouciance and adventure.
It wasn’t until the age of 27 that adulthood came back around the corner and hit me at full tilt.
I got into a relationship with a man who was struggling with addiction and was by his side when he hit rockbottom. I helped him through the process of becoming newly sober, while quitting my travels and moving to my hometown of Los Angeles.
I got engaged, got pregnant, got married, moved to Portland with a 5 week old. When my son was almost 2 he was diagnosed with several health complications due to a reaction to medication commonly prescribed to children.
That’s when life really changed for me.
I started to question EVERYTHING. I knew I had birthed a perfect child and I refused to believe anything could change that. So I spent 3 years awake all night after putting him to bed, researching….looking for answers. And I found them.
I recovered my son, and will tell you how throughout the course of this blog (along with other things). I became completely aware of what goes in our foods, our medicine, our hygiene products, basically everything.
While I didn’t have control over the air we breathe or what we are exposed to outside of our homes (and sometimes even in our homes) I did have control over what I would spend my dollars on, what my kids would eat, put on their bodies, and what I could do to build their immune systems.
When my son was 2 1/2, I gave birth to my daughter. Another little blessing, but my God, I was exhausted. I had all those sleepless nights in front of the computer and now I had a baby girl that had her nights and days confused and a very rambunctious toddler to boot.
It was a lot with little to no help, but I carried on as we moms somehow are able to do. Fast forward several years and we moved back to Los Angeles. I homeschooled my kids for a year and soaked in every drop of sunshine I could.
By that time though, my marriage began to unravel. Or maybe I began to unravel and just couldn’t keep everything together anymore. My ex husband and I had been through a lot from the day we met and didn’t have the foundation to keep things from falling apart. And so they did.
Then my chapter in life as a single mom began. All of a sudden, I found myself having to relearn who “Morayma” was. I had been a wife and mom and nothing else for years….I needed to rediscover myself and find my passion, and do something with my life that represented ME and that my kids could eventually look up to.
I started working as a freelance writer. I wrote for fashion magazines, a celebrity stylist’s blog, a makeup artist agency, a motivational speaker, and for a group of holistic and integrative doctors.
I was happy and enjoyed the work, but needed to do more….which is why I’m here now. I wanted to write something of my own….and share everything I’ve learned in my version of adulthood. How to live a healthy lifestyle, how to survive dysfunctional relationships, how to raise kids consciously in this crazy world, how to navigate single parenthood, how to have an amicable divorce, how to relearn who you are, how to cope with the death of a parent, how to find love again, and basically how to just stay sane through it all.
Maybe what I have to say will help some of you. Maybe it will just be entertaining. Maybe it will be nothing more than a cathartic journey for me. I don’t know. I do know that I’m excited about this new chapter in my life and glad you’re coming along for the ride. Let’s rewire adulthood together.
Welcome to Adulthood Rewired.

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Dee Dee
Congrats, Morayma! I’m excited for you 💕
March 12, 2018 at 2:09 amMorayma
Thank you so much!!! xoxoxo
March 12, 2018 at 6:18 pmHugh Hunter
Hi Morayma,
I’m looking forward to reading more of your life stories. Thank you for sharing and more power to you. 🙌
March 14, 2018 at 4:13 amMorayma
Thank you so much, Hugh….I really appreciate it! Happy to have you along for the ride! 🙂
March 14, 2018 at 4:26 amTiffany
Looking forward to reading 🙂
April 19, 2018 at 8:16 pmMorayma
Thank you! 🙂
April 22, 2018 at 6:18 pmAnonymous
I admire you!
July 9, 2020 at 6:41 pmMorayma
Thank you so much!!
February 12, 2023 at 1:56 amRobert
Very clear, and well said. Consider packing some of that journey of yours into a best selling book.
August 9, 2020 at 7:03 pmMorayma
Thank you very much!!
August 9, 2020 at 7:48 pm