Last week I got to rant and rave about the things that make me white knuckle myself into a state… I thought I’d balance things out this week by giving you a list of some of my favorite things. Shall we cue Julie Andrews in The Sound of Music now?
I’m not gonna lie…the past three years of my life have been rough. Not a pity party…because we all go through stuff….just a reminder that when things do go awry, it’s really easy to focus only on the stuff that makes us go crazier. We all do this.
I think when life insists on delivering lemons faster than Amazon Prime can get packages to your front door, it’s REALLY important to think about the things that make you smile, even if you have to remind yourself of those things on an hourly basis.
So, in lieu of a therapy session, here is a list of some of my favorite things….in no particular order!
-A really good book. The kind you can’t put down. The kind that makes you fall in love with its characters and forget your reality.
-My kids. Cliche maybe, but it’s true. They do make me crazy in equal measure, but once in a while they will do or say something that makes me realize I am doing a good job, that they have huge hearts, and that no matter what happens in life they keep me grounded and present.
-Little old men. It’s true. I love them. They remind me of my dad, and I just want to sit and listen to their stories for hours.
-Traveling. I don’t get to do much of it anymore, but even just thinking about all of the places I’ve been, people I’ve met, and experiences I’ve had make me smile. A lot.
-My dog. He has been the one constant in my life for the past three years. He always knows when I’m feeling down and cuddles even more than he normally does. He keeps me company on those days I am home alone missing my kids, and was hugely therapeutic to have around right after my dad died. I may have rescued him, but I think he’s rescued me tenfold.
-The beach. I don’t care if it is the warm, white sand beaches of the Caribbean, or the cold, mysterious rocky ones of the Pacific Northwest….the ocean calls to me and always makes me feel centered and whole. Even though it has a knack for stealing my sunglasses.
-Old couples. You know the ones you see walking hand in hand throughout town? Those. They give me faith that love can be real and lasting. That maybe we aren’t meant to walk through life alone or swapping/swiping out partners.
-Food. God, this makes me so happy. Food. All of it. I’m an omnivore and enjoy it all and won’t feel guilty about it. Eating is one of life’s most wonderful pleasures. And yes, a good cheeseburger and doughnuts taste WAY better than skinny feels.
-Hugs. Nothing feels better than a sincere, tight, big ol’ bear hug. Sometimes you just need to be wrapped up in someone’s arms and feel like a kid again. A little vulnerable, but very loved.
-A good hair day. Sounds stupid, I know…but those are few and far between for me, so when my hair looks good I feel like I can take on the world. Currently in the process of growing my locks out again, so if any of you have a magic pill to get me back into a Rapunzelesque ponytail, please comment below! No extensions though. I like a good hair pull….and extensions don’t really lend to that. (Did I just admit to something else I like? Behave.)
-Early mornings. This one is strange, because I would rather sleep in…but if I wake up early and the house is quiet and it’s a foggy morning…I like to sit on the couch with my coffee and write or reflect on life. It’s cozy and meditative and perhaps one of the only moments of peace I get.
-Rainy days. Now that I am back in LA I really appreciate a rainy or stormy day/night. I love falling asleep to the sound of rain, and I love cozying up (kind of like my early mornings routine). This, however, does not ring true if I am driving or need to be out and about. I did not love the rain when I lived in Portland….but the constant LA sun can actually get old.
-Genuine people. Kind, honest, real, and without any airs of entitlement, and no need for constant validation and attention. Raw, unfiltered souls ….those are my kind of people. I love them and need more of them in my life.
-Italy. I have so much love for that country and my time spent there that if I wrote about it all now this post would turn into a novel.
-Taiwan. Same reasons as Italy and also the fact that it was the first country I got sent to to model. Exotic, amazing, and completely enrapturing. I miss everything about it. Even the stinky tofu.
-Compliments. Not ones that feed my vanity…..I don’t need to be told I look good, or anything else along those lines. I mean, those compliments are great and we all need to be reminded that we don’t look like the Crypt Keeper once in a while….but the compliments that really make me feel good are when I’m told that I have good energy, or what a great mom I am, or how amazing my kids are, or that something I’ve written has touched someone. The kind of stuff that makes you realize your purpose.
-Writing. I’ve loved it since I was a kid writing poems about the little bird that used to always sing outside my bedroom window, and I love it now….. I just don’t rhyme my words so much anymore.
-Coffee. I never drank it until I had kids. Just the odd cappuccino in Milan with friends because how could I not? It’s become my morning ritual…creating that cup with eyes barely open, still yearning for my bed. I still only drink half of it while hot, because motherhood. Love it nonetheless.
-Instant connections. I’ve made some pretty incredible friends via instant, random, crazy connections. Not once, but several times. People that you feel as if you’ve known forever and become family in the blink of an eye. Makes the world seem smaller and friendlier. I really like that.
-Small miracles. They happen all the time if we allow ourselves to see/feel them. I need to remind myself of this, actually. Call it what you want….coincidences, God, some sort of Higher Power, or magic….whatever it is….it’s there to remind you that life can be beautiful amid the storms.
There’s lots more, but I’m trying to get to bed early tonight because sleep is just another of my favorite things.
What are some things that make you happy? 🙂

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Ciao Morayma my beautiful friend
November 5, 2018 at 4:28 pmAs usual a post full of passion , intelligence and good sentiments ; I always thought you would have made a wonderful queen if things could have gone differently in Old Europe.
Needless to say that we share many of the mentioned things that make you happy , more or less …in fact I don’t reach such goodness levels.
I also think that through the internet , a person that “can read” learns more of a person that after many years of silent partnership…
In fact you forgot to mention the nocciola icecream… LOL
I personally have few things that make me happy:
Music : I love listening vinyl records on my old turntable , and playing (badly) my guitar…I don’t care how bad I am at it , its a happy moment
Kids/no more kids : You are right , in these days i love seeing them growing up and moving their first steps in the adult world…I’ll be there for them until my last breathe
Breakfast : the one you make when you are on a vacation…eggs toasts bacon pastries juicescakes…I’m always surprised by the size my stomach can get…
Traveling : At my age I’m starting to re-discover my country searching for the millions sites never visited before , suggested by…foreign travelers
Beautiful women : Don’t get me wrong, I never cheated on my wife , but beauty , proportions ,art-in-motion really moves me…like a sculpture or a painting brought into life and …no, handsome men don’t make me the same effect LOL !!
A pizza out with friends…and I wish I sometimes could lose control of myself and letting me go with a pint more of beer but I just can’t
Did you ever get drunk my friend ?
Love and affection and kisses
Hello Daniele!! I always enjoy reading your comments so much! Thank you again for the kind compliments. I think my dad would have loved to read that I would have made a wonderful Queen. 🙂 It was so fun to read what your favorite things are! I share that love of food with you haha!! You are right, I should have included gelato di nocciola, it is AMAZING!… I also really love that you are taking the time now to visit different parts of your beautiful country. It is my dream to go back to Italy one day and revisit the places I went to as well as discover new ones. Bella Italia has a special place in my heart! Un bacione amico mix!
November 6, 2018 at 12:04 amJANE KERMANI
A perfect list – but with one addition – Masala Chai! Now it’s perfect.
November 7, 2018 at 1:09 amMorayma
Thank you!! I have to agree with the Masala Chai too…yum!!
November 12, 2018 at 10:51 pm