Ok guys, this post is going to be about something you probably haven’t heard anyone besides your grandmother talk about….but I promise it’s good stuff, and granny was right. I’m talking about Castor Oil. You heard me correctly, and no, you don’t get to go dry heave over in the corner. I’m not going to tell you to take a spoonful of it….but I will tell you how it might actually be better than unicorn spit. Seriously.
Before I get into how great this stuff is, I have to give you a little back story. BACK story….pun definitely intended, by the way. Over the past couple of years I developed a chronic and intense lower back pain. It became so debilitating that, even simple tasks we normally take for granted being able to do, became excruciating.
Most people around me had no idea what I was going through because I’m that girl that smiles through everything, but the pain was bad. Really bad. Things like shaving my legs, loading/unloading the dishwasher, making the bed, tying my shoes, getting in and out of my car, even sleeping had me catching my breath and on the verge of tears. It became a daily part of my daily life, and was starting to limit what I could do physically.
I tried everything from getting X-rays, to acupuncture, chiropractic adjustments, and energy healing. I used every lotion, balm, and topical aid on the market. I would get temporary relief from these things, but within a few days the pain would come back with a vengeance. The only thing that really cut the pain out was using painkillers, but if you know me, then you know how I feel about conventional medicine.
I’m not a fan of masking issues….especially when they need to be treated at their root cause. The root cause of my pain turned out to be emotional. I had been dealt many blows in a short amount of time which turned on my fight or flight mode. This lead to crashing adrenals and a constantly rigid and tight lower back….add those together and you get chronic pain. So, while I knew that I had to be mindful and cut things out of my life that caused this type of stress and anxiety, I also needed something to help dull the pain in the meantime. Crazily enough, that turned out to be Castor Oil.
Now, I had used Castor Oil on my kids since infancy as it was suggested to me by my naturopath in Portland. She said it would help with digestion, immune function, and even promote restful sleep. I remember seeing these amazing effects within the first week of using it on my kids. As per her suggestion, I would rub a quarter sized amount of the oil on their bellies in a counterclockwise motion right before bed. Their PJ’s got a little grease stained, but trust me, it was worth it. I stopped doing this once my kids were around 8 and 10 years old. Life just got busier, I became a single mom, and the oil was forgotten.
Fast forward to a couple of months ago and I watched a Facebook live video with Dr. Sachin Patel and one of his guests. They were lauding the many qualities of Castor Oil and, since I nerd out on things like this, I was drawn in like a moth to flame. I found out that Castor Oil is one of the most beneficial compounds you could ever use on your body. That it was also known as Palma Christi, meaning the Palm of Christ, because of its miraculous healing properties. Yes it could help with digestion, immune function, and restful sleep, but it could also do so much more.
Castor oil is a viscous, almost scentless oil that is derived from the Ricinis Communis plant and was used as far back as Ancient Egypt to treat infections, ameliorate constipation, and induce labor. As it is rich in ricinoleic acid, it is able to promote healthy bowel function, intestinal health, as well as is a powerful anti-inflammatory.
Castor oil also stimulates tissue growth making it a safe and effective treatment for skin abrasions, rashes, wounds, and even pressure ulcers. It’s actually so effective as an anti-inflammatory agent that clinical studies have shown a significant decrease in the severity of psoriasis and Rheumatoid Arthritis when used topically as compared to other commercial treatments. Castor oil also has antibacterial properties that have been proven to ward off several different types of bacteria including staphylococcus aureus, and despite its oily texture, can actually effectively treat acne breakouts.
As I sat and listened to all of this Castor Oil wisdom spill out from my little black screen, I knew I needed to move a bottle of it into my home again on a permanent basis. I loved hearing how it could help every organ in our bodies, and the thought that it might just ease my pain was a huge catalyst for me. I ordered a bottle, and decided to start using it on my kids again as well. Just a quarter sized amount on our stomachs at bed time, rubbed in counterclockwise (the kids told me that they had actually missed the belly rubs haha!) and off to sleep we go. Pajama tops ruined? You better believe it. Worth it? 100%!!
My first night using it I honestly wasn’t sure it was going to be a miracle for me. I had been hurting for so long I didn’t expect too much but…..the next day when I woke up I was shocked. My pain level had dropped from a 10 to a 2. NO EXAGGERATING. I was amazed. I got out of bed without pain, I did my morning duties just feeling a slight tightness in my back…nothing else. It really was a miracle.
With more prolonged use, I started to notice a decrease in my anxiety levels and a better quality of sleep. Rubbing it on my stomach and back every night was calming my nervous system and decreasing the inflammation that had taken residence in my body due to stress. I promise I will never be without this stuff again. There are even more intensive ways of using this stuff, like Castor Oil packs, but it sounds even messier and more time consuming, so for now I’m happy with the belly rub version…..and back rub of course. I walk out of the bathroom ready for bed looking like I just came out of a deep fat fryer, but if it means no pain, then fry me up baby!
By the way, rumor has it that Castor oil is also amazing for hair growth. I’ve yet to research this or try it long enough to see if I end up like Rapunzel, but I’ll spill that tea another day! (**update!!! Watch my YouTube video below to see how I ended up really getting to find out what an amazing elixir for hair growth Castor Oil really is. It works! I’m proof!)
**As an affiliate I make a small portion of some of the sales made via some of the links in my blog.