
Well, Hello Vetiver.


Essential oils entered my skincare arsenal about two years ago and I’ve been a consistent user of them ever since. It took me a long time to want to experiment with oils because I have naturally oily skin. I was terrified of ending up with the aftermath of the Exxon Valdez on my face and whatever skin eruptions would surface in its wake. What I didn’t realize is that essential oils aren’t actually oily.

I won’t bore you with the details on the lack of oiliness of essential oils since I’m pretty sure I already have in another one of my skincare posts, but suffice it to say, I have used these amazing plant essences on my face and continue to love them more every day. No breakouts, no excess oil slick, just really happy and healthy skin without any chemicals or toxins.

Now, when I find something that I love (in whatever capacity that may be…person, place, or skincare product) I stick to it with a mafia like loyalty. In this case, I have been using Frankincense, Lavender, and Carrot Seed Oil on a daily basis without straying or messing around with anything else. That is until the fateful day a few weeks ago when I found myself running out of Carrot Seed Oil and needed a quick replacement. Since I’ve been using essential oils for a couple of years, I’ve been able to accrue a decent little stockpile of oils gifted to me by the company that I buy my products from. So, I pulled them all out and went through them one by one like a novice witch about to create her first potion. And then there it was….vetiver.

Oh vetiver….it just happens to be the base of my boyfriend’s cologne and a scent that weakens me in the knees and makes me want to run deep into a forest like a wood nymph during a full moon. Such a woodsy, amazing scent. What I didn’t realize is that vetiver is incredibly beneficial for your skin as well. I picked this oil because, well, it made me think of my guy….and when I did a quick search I realized that this would now be in my permanent skincare line-up. Now, if you’ve made it this far into my post, I’ll tell you why vetiver belongs on your skin too right now!

First of all, vetiver has been used medicinally for centuries in Asia and is derived from the Vetivera Zizanoides grass species. It has been dubbed the Oil of Tranquility in SE Asia because of its ability to promote relaxation and a sense of serenity…..which makes it the perfect oil to use right before you go to bed. When used on your skin it is potently anti-aging due to its high antioxidant content, collagen boosting abilities, and hydrating qualities. It is also a natural astringent which means it will keep your pores clear, and naturally evens out skin tone over time with consistent use. Dark spots hate vetiver. Trust me.

Vetiver is also a natural antimicrobial which aids in warding off acne and other blemishes. Since it is a powerful anti inflammatory, if you already have a break out, this stuff will help calm your skin and promote cellular regeneration so that you can be well on your way to clearer, healthier skin without using drying agents. All the acne stuff you buy at the store…that stuff will eventually damage your skin and can cause even more breakouts. Believe me, I have used everything over the years, and nothing works as well as essential oils for your skin (and so many other things, but I won’t digress).

I am so glad that I ended up running out of another favorite oil so that I could “discover” this one and start using it. I love the way it smells, and knowing how much it is benefitting my skin makes me happy dance when I’m doing my skincare routine every night. Well maybe not really happy dance. That usually only happens when I’m eating something delicious….but seriously….if you want to treat your skin to something amazing then Vetiver essential oil is the way to go. Clear, glowing, even toned, healthy, gorgeous skin….all from the essence of a wild grass. Who would’ve thought? If you want to try vetiver for yourself, you can find it here: YOUR VETIVER

header photo by Liis Saar @pexels

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