A little while ago I was asked to write an article about the benefits of Stinging Nettle tea, and ever since then it’s become a part of my nutritional rotation. Let me tell you why…
Stinging Nettle (Urtica dioica) is an herb that has been used for centuries in Europe as a remedy for a wide array of ailments. That right there is something that a plant-cure obsessed chick like me is going to be attracted to….you already know!
The fact that it’s also especially widely used in my dad’s motherland of Hungary made it even more intriguing. Yes…I am unabashedly partial.
So off on the research train I went. Destination: Great Skin & Hair with a side trip to Other Great Stuff. 😉
Ever since finding out about it, I’ve had at least two bags of it in my pantry. I drink a cup every other night and for therapeutic benefits I let it steep for a couple of hours prior to drinking it.
It turns out that Stinging Nettle, and the tea made from its leaves, is a virtual cornucopia of nutrients. Rich in phytonutrients like chlorophyll, lutein, zeaxanthin, quercetin, and beta-carotene as well as minerals like copper, boron, iron, potassium, magnesium, phosphorus, calcium, and manganese, with a fair dose of Vitamins A, C, K, and the B’s….this was one plant beverage I knew I was going to want to partake of.
A lot.
These minerals are all known to help with bone density. Magnesium is also great for natural anxiety reduction. The phytonutrients are an immune boosting buffet with lutein and beta-carotene being essential for eye health…add in those vitamins and you’re basically drinking a multi-tasking teacup of health.
What I didn’t find out right away was how incredible this tea is for your skin and hair. I’m a naturalist when it comes to anti aging and beauty. I prefer to adhere to the “less is more” principle, and over the years have really learned how holistic remedies and treatments can truly be a fountain of youth.
This tea takes the holistic beauty cake.
Now as we well know, two of the areas that start to show aging the soonest are your hair and, of course, your skin. Hair starts to thin out and become more brittle. Skin looses its elasticity. It’s a winning combination isn’t it? Ugh.
….but this tea (while also hydrating you) addresses BOTH of these things!
Why and how? Well, I listed all of the beneficial vitamins, minerals, and nutrients above…and it also so happens to be a rich source of silica and sulphur which are necessary to maintain a healthy hair shaft. A strong hair shaft makes for healthier, thicker, and shinier hair with a lot less fall out.
As a matter of fact, people in Eastern Europe have used Stinging Nettle to prevent balding, and treat dandruff for generations as well. The antioxidants in this tea also act as natural DHT blockers and can enhance blood circulation to the scalp when used as a rinse post shower.
Not bad, eh?
Now let me tell you what it can do for your skin! Once again, all of its natural compounds (the minerals, phytonutrients, etc.) act as skin food as well as simultaneously ward off oxidative stress which, if not warded off, can most certainly lead to premature aging.
It has anti-inflammatory properties that calm the skin keeping it supple and less prone to eczema and other skin conditions including acne. Drinking this tea essentially nourishes your skin from the inside out naturally plumping it and allowing for prolonged elasticity.
I can tell you that I have definitely noticed more glowing, even toned skin since adding this tea to my routine, and my hair has benefitted from it as well. Over the past few years I had noticed more hair fall than usual and my hair was just not growing as quickly as it used to.
Drinking this tea has made a world of difference! I have more tips for hair health and growth too, but I’ll share them in another post…suffice it to say Stinging Nettle has played a huge role in my anti aging protocol.
It doesn’t taste half bad either…especially with some raw honey thrown in for good measure!
So, with each cup of this Stinging Nettle tea, you’re not only slowing down the signs of aging on the surface….but you’re also drinking in added benefits. Some of the other amazing things this herb can do include:
-natural allergy relief (due to the quercetin)
-contains antiviral, antibacterial, and anti fungal properties
-is a natural anti-inflammatory (has been shown to effectively treat arthritis)
-can lower blood sugar, cholesterol levels, and blood pressure
-can help heal the mucosal lining of the stomach to help with nausea, diarrhea, and prevent ulcers
-is an anti-carcinogen
-helps to prevent kidney stones
Need I add more? 🙂
Stinging Nettle….powerful little plant with an insane amount of benefits. I mean who knows…by the time I hit 50 I may be taking full on baths in this stuff! Like an innocently herbal Erszebet Bathory. 😉
Now go start your kettle boiling!

header photo by Chad Madden @unsplash
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