Perimenopause is a scary word...and an even scarier new chapter in life once you get to it. It shouldn’t be that way, but, for most of us, it’s not a topic that we have ever really heard much about aside from the typical talk of hot flashes we may have overheard our moms and grandmothers talking about. The thing is, perimenopause comes with a lot of other symptoms and can be really overwhelming.
I started having peri symptoms about a year ago when I was 47. I felt like I was blindsided because, although I knew to expect the hot flashes, I had no idea what else I was going to be hit with. No one in my family ever spoke much about it, and I really feel like peri education is sorely missing for most of us.
What’s disturbing is that, nowadays, women are starting to step into perimenopause much earlier than before in much higher numbers. Why is this happening? It can be a number of things, but, we are more exposed than ever to a slew of endocrine disrupters in foods, household products, hygiene products, and even medical interventions and prescriptions. It’s no wonder our hormones are under attack…but I digress.
For those who don’t know exactly what perimenopause is, it’s basically the time in a woman’s life during which her body starts making the natural transition into menopause which marks the end of her reproductive years. This means a lot of hormonal changes are happening. A LOT.
The fact that more women are entering peri early on just adds to the number of us who really need and deserve more information and more camaraderie when it comes to what we are feeling and going through….because, honestly, it’s rough and can feel incredibly lonely.
I thank God that I have a solid yet small group of like-minded friends who approach health holistically and who are also in the throes of peri. Between them, the online forums of “mature ladies” I belong to, and my integrative doctors, I’ve been able to really empower and educate myself on these new changes my body is going through.
Everything from internal tremors, insomnia, hot flashes, cystic acne, indigestion, metabolic changes, fatigue, brain fog, anxiety, health-anxiety…and so much more has become less frightening and more normal now thanks to my “village”.
I just wish I had known more about all of this before I started going through it….because honestly health-anxiety is probably the worst part (at least for me!). Aside from the discomfort of overheating and having sleepless nights, the moment I found myself laying on my office floor with severe heart palpitations after my 2nd caffeinated beverage of the day made me realize this was much bigger of a life change than I had anticipated. I could no longer metabolize caffeine like I used to…I had no idea this was just another lovely gift from that uninvited guest named Peri….but learning, talking, and researching gave me the tools I needed to understand my “new body” and how to help it.
Knowing I can actively do things to help me manage all of this (if not entirely eradicate a lot of it) is even more amazing. That’s why I decided I wanted to write this blog post (and it’s correlating YouTube video) because I think it’s essential to share what works for me and how I’ve been able to help myself feel balanced and healthy again….even if I can still only have one cup of coffee a day!
As with anything, I always advocate that you talk to your health care professional if you are feeling like any of the symptoms or changes you are going through are negatively impacting the quality of your life or are unmanageable. Getting a hormone blood panel is also a good idea in order to see exactly where your body is in its peri stages.
I do highly highly highly recommend seeking out an integrative or functional medicine doctor when it comes to peri treatment (and really anything else) because they understand how to treat the root cause of whatever is ailing you and will treat you as a whole and as an individual as opposed to throwing a prescription pad at you and that’s it. Our health and bodies are unique and complex and we deserve and need to be treated by practitioners that understand and respect that. Using both holistic and conventional methods will cover all bases….and that’s exactly what we need to truly feel our best.
That said, let me share what has worked for me and are my perimenopause game changers. I honestly don’t know what I would do without these 7 natural remedies….and I hope they help anyone reading this that may need some balance in their peri-lives too!
Progessence Plus Essential Oil Blend: This is one of the first natural remedies I started using to help me deal with insomnia and hot flashes. The change was almost instant and I use this blend daily now. Every friend of mine who has tried it has had marked improvements in how they feel and I could not be a bigger fan of something that works so well! I even wrote an entire blog post about it which you can find here.
Progessence Plus is made with wild yam which is a source of bio identical progesterone and also contains frankincense, copaiba, cedarwood and a few other oils all known to help promote a feeling of wellness, relaxation, and are supportive of hormonal balance. I use it once a day before bed and place 2-3 drops on either side of my neck, or the insides of my forearms. You can also put a couple of drops on your abdomen or inner thighs. Because the oils in the blend are so beneficial for your skin as well, you can add the drops to your nighttime face routine too! You can find Progessence Plus at:
EndoFlex Essential Oil Blend: This is blend is known to support and balance your endocrine functions. It contains essential oils from sage, geranium, german chamomile, myrtle, and nutmeg. I use one drop across my thyroid every morning to keep my hormones supported and for an overall feeling of relaxation as well. This is a newer oil blend that I’ve added to my regimen and so far so very good. You can find EndoFlex here:
Vitex (also known as Chaste Berry): One of my good friends told me about Vitex a little while back when I mentioned that I had started developing some cystic hormonal acne at the very beginning stages of peri. Her naturopath had recommended Vitex for her hormonal acne….and it really did the trick. After two weeks, my skin had cleared up completely and it has the added benefits of balancing estrogen, raising progesterone levels, lowering prolactin, and helps mitigate PMS symptoms. I take it first thing in the morning with some water. You can find Vitex here:
Primrose Oil:I’ve been using this oil for a while, at least a few years prior to starting peri, because it’s very good for breast health. As a result it also helps to lessen breast pain which can be a common part of PMS and perimenopause, it also helps reduce hot flashes and is another great supplement to help your skin steer clear of hormonal acne breakouts. I take this with my breakfast every morning. Find Primrose Oil here:
Sepia 200: I have always appreciated homeopathic remedies because when my son was going through the throes of his health issues as a toddler it was homeopathic remedies that helped him make some pretty major breakthroughs. So, it was only natural that I turn to homeopathy to help me gain back some control over my body during peri. This remedy was another recommended by a good friend and it has really been well received….when I run out I definitely notice a difference. Sepia is known to help with hormone imbalances, peri and menopause symptoms, PCOS, menstrual irregularities, and anxiety. Genuinely the perfect remedy for what we deal with! I take 3 pellets first thing in the morning every other day. Find it here:
Lycopodium Clavatum: This is another homeopathic remedy that has helped me deal with peri. It helps with memory and cognitive function, liver support and digestive support. One of the things no one tells you about peri is that your digestion will change and not in the most pleasant ways. Lots of heartburn and cramping with a side of bloat. Thankfully Lycopodium helps with this really effectively. I take 2-3 pellets every morning every other day (on opposite days from the Sepia). Find it here:
Ignatia Amara: This remedy fits my homeopathic personality and constitution to a T, so I’ve found it to be really helpful. I take it at night before bed, and only as needed. It’s a great remedy for balancing mood and emotions as well as helps with stomach upset. If I’m feeling particularly stressed or overwhelmed, I turn to this remedy and by morning I feel markedly calmer and at ease. Find it here:
These 7 simple and natural remedies along with eating healthy and remembering to stay active are helping me head into perimenopause with at least some sort of grace. I am also still learning to be better about other forms of self-care and mindfulness which also are important pieces to the wellness puzzle.
Any major physical changes in our lives can be daunting, but knowing that we are not alone in what we are feeling is major…and so is having a little arsenal of supplements to help keep our bodies balanced and supported. This is just another chapter in our lives. It doesn’t have to be terrible (ok, maybe some days will not feel so great) but we can do things to keep all of those changes manageable. I hope that the things that are helping me, can help you too.
….and if you have any tips or products you use that you’ve found helpful on your peri journey….please leave me a comment below!
Until next time! 🙂

**As an affiliate, I may make a small portion of some of the sales made via some of the links in my blog.
**header photo by Ksenia Kartasheva @pexels
Great read! I’ve never heard of it either and I have no women around me to teach me this. Very needed read! Bookmarking this for later!
November 11, 2022 at 9:22 pmMorayma
Thank you so much, I appreciate it! It’s really so unfortunate that most of us go through life having no idea what this new stage in life is going to be like. Just makes it that much more scary and overwhelming, but I hope to share everything I learn and go through! It takes a village to get us through life sometimes! xx
November 13, 2022 at 2:02 amMegan
You’re so right, perimenopause really isn’t talked about much. And health anxiety IS the worst! I love that you have found some natural ways to help ease the effects of perimenopause
November 21, 2022 at 7:53 pmMorayma
Health anxiety is so awful! I really hope there starts to be more dialogue about peri moving forward so that more and more women are at least somewhat better prepared for what’s to come! I’m super grateful to have found things that help, because boy was dealing with the onset symptoms a doozy! 🙂
November 22, 2022 at 9:19 pmSandi
Been there and done that – not fun. Of course, I didn’t know about rewiring perimenopause – sounds like a big help.
November 22, 2022 at 1:23 pmMorayma
It really is no fun at all! Really grateful to have found some things that are really helping at least for now! 🙂
November 22, 2022 at 9:20 pmBarbara
Red Clover Tea or Black Cohosh Tea before bed have been lifesavers for me! I really appreciate your post. Knowing others are experiencing the same things at this point in our lives is somehow comforting?
November 23, 2022 at 12:32 amMorayma
It really is comforting to know we’re not alone in this…because it can be so worrying and even isolating feeling to deal with these symptoms. I haven’t tried Red Clover or Black Cohosh teas before, but am going to try them! Thanks for the tip! 🙂
November 24, 2022 at 8:40 pmLisa, Casey, Barrett Dog
We had no idea about rewiring menopause! Thank you for sharing.
November 28, 2022 at 8:00 amMorayma
You’re welcome! 🙂
November 28, 2022 at 6:53 pmLisa
This is so important! I don’t know much about this life change and am so glad I read this! I am glad there are some natural remedies.
November 28, 2022 at 8:52 pmMorayma
Thank you! It really is important and so many of us never really get told anything about it so it can be really scary to start going through this feeling unprepared! I’m happy to share what I’ve learned so far! 🙂
December 3, 2022 at 12:30 am