
Cleanse This: The Best Herbs to Naturally Detox Your Body


The words “cleanse” and “detox” have taken a life of their own in the past years.  They almost have a cult following and definitely fall into the stereotype of the Whole-Foods-shopping-daily-yoga-practicing-juice cleansing-Lululemon-wearing variety.

Not that there’s anything wrong with any of that, but you catch my drift. 

Cleansing and detoxing is so much more than a fad though, and it can be something that all of our bodies need some help with.

The truth of the matter is, that regardless of how well you eat and drink, and how green your choices are about the products you use in your home, our bodies are caught in the crossfire of toxins and chemicals on a daily basis. 

Our livers should be able to keep our bodies naturally cleansed and detoxed, but because the barrage of what we are exposed to is so great, it needs a little support now and then.  Our air, our water, almost everything we come into contact with, has some sort of volatile organic compound in it that can and does accumulate inside us.

Sometimes this toxicity is obvious and we become ill, or feel the effects of aging faster, we slow down, our skin erupts, we gain weight, the list goes on.

Sometimes it’s not that obvious and our bodies seem to function fine until one day that comes to a complete halt. The point is, since we can’t live in a bubble and avoid all of the junk thrown at us on a daily basis, it’s not a bad idea to find healthy and natural ways to give our livers, and the rest of our bodies, a bit of a winning edge.

So, how can this be done?  Well, there are a few ways, but what I’ve learned over the years is to use herbal remedies to keep my body as clean as possible, as well as to help support the health of my children.

I first heard about these herbs from a naturopath in Portland when I was learning about how to help my son detox from heavy metal exposure (and I don’t mean AC/DC).  I learned that these herbs help our bodies do what they are meant to do in a natural and non invasive way. No laxative effects, no fasting, just a good shot of health.

You see, there is a virtual cornucopia of herbs and foods that naturally help your body detox on a cellular level without having you running for the loo every few minutes. Taking them as tinctures, teas, or even in a smoothie helps your organs gently cleanse and go back to working at optimal levels.

Some of my favorite, tried and true, detoxifying herbs are cilantro, dandelion root, burdock root, turmeric, and milk thistle.


Cilantro is not only a delicious add-on to your favorite dish, it also happens to be a powerful detoxifier. When used regularly, cilantro is extremely effective in helping the body rid itself of damaging heavy metals such as mercury, aluminum, and lead, that normally accumulate in our organs and tissues.

Cilantro contains high levels of cleansing properties that bind to heavy metals and aid your body in disposing of them. Also, full of antioxidants, calcium, potassium, manganese, Vitamins, A, B, and C, as well as abundant phtytonutrients, this delicious green herb is nothing short of being a perfect super food.

Dandelion Root

Dandelion Root has been used for hundreds of years in aiding those suffering from constipation, skin eruptions, and other signs of a body too overloaded with toxins. Dandelion root is full of Vitamin C and luteolin which are very effective at supporting healthy liver function and which also aid in healthy bowel movements and bile production.

Dandelion root has also been shown to be effective in purifying the bladder, blood, and kidneys, ease bloating, regulate blood sugar, and improve blood circulation while also helping your skin stay clear. All of those amazing benefits make dandelion root one hard working, all-in-one detoxifier.

Burdock Root

This member of the daisy family, has also been used for generations to aid the body in purging itself of toxins. From Great Britain to Taiwan, burdock root has been hailed as one of nature’s great detox agents and has been shown to promote clear skin, purify the blood, alleviate liver toxicity issues, and due to its high anti-inflammatory properties has been used successfully to treat eczema, and psoriasis.

Burdock root contains high levels of inulin which are extremely beneficial for optimal liver function, as well as is a diuretic which aids your body in releasing toxins naturally. Burdock root also contains mucilage which helps soothe gastrointestinal discomfort and bloating.


Turmeric has been hailed as the “King of Spices” in India, and has been well known to offer highly effective levels of anti-inflammatories, aiding in everything from digestion, healthy skin, immune system boosting, blood purification, alleviation of arthritis, and as a liver detoxifier.

The main chemical component of turmeric is curcumin which is a powerful antioxidant and which helps keep the liver clean by filtering toxins and stimulating the organ’s natural detoxing process. As an added bonus, turmeric is also delicious and aromatic and is wonderful in soups, teas, and other warm dishes.

Milk Thistle

Milk thistle has been used historically in the treatment of liver ailments in Europe. Recently, more research has been done on this herb showing its efficacy in protecting the liver and is actually used in many European countries to help counteract liver damage done by alcohol abuse and hepatitis.

This herb’s high content of silymarin, which is a powerful bioflavonoid complex, has been shown in several studies to help protect the liver and tissues from oxidative damage from free radicals and even casual alcohol consumption. It also aids in the liver’s natural ability to cleanse and regenerate itself.

*Disclaimer:  I am not a medical professional. While everything I post I have discussed at length with medical professionals, I strongly suggest that you do the same before trying to self treat or treat a loved one.  Everyone has a different biological constitution and what works for some may not work for others. Allergies should also be taken into consideration.*

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    April 5, 2018 at 4:03 pm Reply
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